
The Russian Federation conducts import substitution: electronics in rockets becomes Russian - the media

At least on some of the RF chips already set its own boards, in particular in the Satellite Navigation of the CH-99, the products of Russian enterprises are noticeable, journalists write. Russia has begun to actively replace Western circuits with its own microelectronics in military products. About it reports Defense Express.

In spite of the general notion that Western sanctions do not affect the possibility of the Russian Federation to receive civilian western electronics, import substitutions began in the Russian Federation. This is said by the CH-99 satellite navigation blocks. They are used in winged and managed Russian rockets.

On the submodule acceptance of signals from satellite navigation, the command device chip was produced in "space instrumentation", and the signal receivers made JSC "Russian Institute of Radiovigation and Time", which is included in the concern "Diamond Anta". Also on the submodule of the Russian development of piezoelectric filters and voltage converter. Some of the chips are already Russian, but the authors emphasize that the total dependence on the Western chips is still stored.

In total, there are many chips of US companies in the CH-99. In this case, they try to remove the markings from them to make it difficult to establish the origin of the components. Also in the Russian Federation were able to handle the CH-99 module, which allowed to increase the number of channels of connection with satellites from 24 to 50. The process of replacing circuits with Russian may indicate that Russia has problems with the production of Western chips in sufficient quantities.