
"Epicenter of the New Storm of Ukraine": what is the situation in Vovchansk, which has become the purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the second time

The Times reported that the city was "fighting close. " Russian snipers are hunting a police that evacuates civilians. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began a new wave of the offensive, crossing the border with the Kharkiv region. Occupation troops seek to capture the city of Vovchansk. The Times journalists visited the report on May 15. "After every hundred meters was covered with craters of the house, every few seconds a new blow. The city was burning.

The sound of long shelling from Russia was only interrupted - The epicenter of the new storm of Ukraine from the north, " - said in the publication. Fighting is already within the city. Ukrainian military is beating bombs and artillery across the border. Many of the 18,000th pre-war population of Vovchansk is forced to leave the house for the second time.

In the first days of the full -scale war of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation captured the settlement, but later they were knocked out of defense forces. "In the city there are fighting close. Machine gun fire rattles in the city center from tall houses nearby. A couple of snipers hunted for police and left their business cards mounted in reinforced glass arceives," the media reported. Lieutenant Colonel of the Vovchansk Police "Silver" said that fortunately, everyone was able to survive.

However, the invaders punched the wheel and damaged the car. The police have evacuated more than 1500 people, now among them - Valentine. A 79-year-old local resident said that her granddaughter urged her, but there was no desire. However, the hostile shelling of the house shakes, and the neighbor's house has burned the house days, so the elderly woman gathered one bag and dared to evacuate. The granddaughter has passed a two days earlier and does not know yet that Vovchansk no longer has to do.

Valentine's son lives in Russia. The woman is wondering if she will ever see him. The Russian projectile fell over 200 meters, but the Silver car did not stop. On the outskirts of another village of peaceful residents, they quickly transplanted into an armored bead, which would take them to Kharkiv. 22-year-old policeman Vitaly survived in the Vovchansk occupation in 2022. He remembered that he was hiding in the house because of the fear of abduction.

Vitaliy tried to evacuate his grandmother, but refused. An elderly woman said she would die in her city. "Since 2015, our city has developed. Life has raged there, many local businesses have opened," the young policeman recalled, adding that everything was now destroyed. The publication emphasized that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation move faster than during 2023. They use small sabotage and intelligence groups to penetrate the defense lines.

Some Ukrainian fighters associate the enemy's rapid advance with the lack of training. In the region "hastily" conduct earthworks. "I cannot say that they have lost all power, but we stopped their attacks. Maybe they just collect strength, or maybe they accumulate. Of course, their artillery works. The artillery will work for a long urgently transferred to Kharkiv region, Stepan. According to him, the defenders had to build trenches independently in late April.

"In three days we built armor, put mortars. Why are these positions not yet built? Like, it is difficult to create a strong defense, because it is close to the border. I have my opinion about it," the military said. Stepan shared that he was disappointed with the restrictions of the West in the strikes in Russia. He explained that he would like to counter and hit the enemy's flank, but "not everything depends on us.

" We will remind, the commander of the battalion of shock BPA "Achilles" Yuriy Fedorenko stated that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will occur in the Kharkiv region for the next one and a half months. According to him, Donetsk and Lugansk regions remain the priorities of Russia. Deepstate analysts said that 10 kilometers from the border in the Liptsi area have not yet built a quality defense line.