
Not smiling and became tougher: as Volodymyr Zelenskyy changed in two years of war (photo)

During the two years of the war, Volodymyr Zelenskyy changed both the style of clothing and the manner of communication. Close environment and foreign journalists who communicated with the leader of Ukraine note that he became more decisive and rigid. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, according to both the immediate environment and interviewees who spoke to him, changed very much in two years of a full -scale war with Russia.

Focus gathered photos of the Ukrainian leader and stories of people who communicated with the head of state to confirm this. By February 24, 2022, Volodymyr Zelenskyy preferred business style in clothing. The president was often seen in black business suits, white shirts and classic tie. At that time, the leader of Ukraine preferred to shave smoothly. Many of the photos made at the time, Zelensky smiled. On February 23, 2022, the President of Ukraine was last seen in a business suit.

Then Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with leaders of Poland and Lithuania in this image. Already at that time on the face of the Head of State visibility is visible. Starting on February 24, Ukrainians and the whole world will see Vladimir Zelensky in an unusual image for him. The president has changed expensive costumes for military -style clothing: his everyday images include khaki's sports pants, fleece jackets, trident t -shirts and skinny with I'M Ukrainian.

In such patriotic things, he records daily appeals to compatriots, meets foreign delegations, comes to the leading positions at the front. Several times he appeared in public in brand T-shirts 5. 11, Halylyard, Combat, M-TAC, and he was also seen in T-shirts with the National Guard Emblem of Ukraine and a print and print UA30. Zelensky's wardrobe has T -shirts with the coat of arms of Ukraine. They were created by Lutsk designer Kateryna Kovalchuk.

By the way, how the leader of Ukraine changed with the beginning of the war, Time Simon Shuster was written in his book. On her pages, he recalls that at the emergency summit of European leaders on February 24, 2022, to which Zelensky joined, he was "pale and tired, with bristles and" did not believe that the allies would save him, and it was given a sign. " According to Shuster, the war changed the Ukrainian president - "but not always for the better.

" "The greatest changes took place in the first months , he directed the anger and stability of his people and purposefully expressed it to the world, "the journalist said. The Ukrainian president had changed, and psychotherapist Oleg Chaban said at one time. that appeared part of the military uniforms. Just a different facial expression, "he said. Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself also notes that he had changed permanently.

When journalist Simon Shuster asked about the president me that he does not smile or jokes. He has a sense of humor, but he became tougher in communication, " - said the media in his book dedicated to the President. But Elena Zelenskaya believes that the war did not change her husband dramatically. She wrote about it on her page on the social network Instagram. / "I am often asked about how you changed this year. And I always reply: "I didn't change. He is the same.