
Metinvest's company received a prestigious reward for the protection of workers during the war

Metinvest Rinat Akhmetov has received the most prestigious HR Pro-Awards for its HR Analytics project. Thanks to this project, the company was able to quickly establish the evacuation of workers from the war -covered territories, employ them in peaceful cities, and provide comprehensive support. This is stated in the report on the company's website.

When a full-scale invasion began, the company quickly consolidated information about 25 enterprises with a number of more than 60 thousand people, and thanks to modern IT technologies, more than 7,500 people were able to employ in its enterprises. Thanks to the unified analytical base of employees, Metinvest was able to organize evacuation from Mariupol and Avdiivka more than 20,000 people, to place them in cities, to assist and more.

In parallel, the company founded the humanitarian initiative "Save Life", which has helped almost half a million Ukrainians with food and first need from the beginning of the war, and hospitals and equipment for 9. 5 million UAH. Psychological rehabilitation within the project has already passed 1100 women and children. At the same time, the project develops a prosthetics program, which now covers 96 servicemen and civilians.

And the total amount of assistance in all these areas is more than UAH 430 million of donors. "We are glad that the professional community has appreciated two major Metinvest projects aimed at overcoming the challenges of the Military Age. The results of the work of the initiative" Rescue life "are striking and saying for themselves.

And examples of HR analytics help prove the effectiveness of this approach that we plan to spread and other HR processes, "-said Tatiana Petruk, director of sustainable development and interaction with the staff of the Metinvest. HR PRO Awards is the most prestigious HR prize. Its organizer is the Ukrainian HR Professionals HR Professionals. The award annually celebrates the best team and personal achievements of the HR specialists.

Its purpose is to promote the level of professional practices in Ukraine. This year, more than 40 experts have evaluated companies from 15 industries in 12 nominations. It is known that Metinvest Akhmetov, taking into account associate companies and joint ventures, transferred almost 11 billion UAH of taxes and fees in Ukraine for 9 months of 2023. The company also remains one of the largest private donors of the Armed Forces.