
Army+Army: commanders will be obliged to respond to reports within three days - the Ministry of Defense

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernororenko, the electronic report can be created in "two clicks" and sent to the commander through the application. The mobile application for servicemen "Army+" will be able to submit reports, and commanders will have three days to approve it or explain the cause of the refusal.

This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for digital development, digital transformations and digitalization Kateryna Chernororenko in an interview with the TV army. According to the official, the task of electronic reports is that any refusal or long-term unconfirmed is justified by the command. She noted that now it would not be possible to say that "the piece of paper did not reach" and there will be a culture of feedback.

"We will give in the process for three days to approve the report. If not approved within three days, the reason must be explained," - said Kateryna Chernnoroenko. The Deputy Minister of Defense also noted that the first version of the Army+Application will be available 11 types of reports that can be created in two clicks. The commander for his part will receive a digital message and will be able to open it quickly, confirming his receipt. The report is then sent to the military unit.

The launch of the program is expected in the middle of summer. "All commanders understand their people. They often know who is planning a vacation. You confirm or, for example, write a refusal, sign and write the cause," Kateryna Chernnororenko explained. We will remind, in Ukraine launched a chat bot "Army+" for servicemen, servicemen and their families, who works on the basis of Telegram and answers questions about service in the army, passing VLK, booking from mobilization and many others.