
Three Drones of the Armed Forces for each Russian: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not interact on the left bank of the Dnieper - ISW

According to analysts, the headquarters of the Russian command in the Kherson direction is unsuccessful plans: information is inaccurate and comes late. The Russian serviceman from the 810th Brigade of the Marine Corps of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, which is in the area of ​​Krynok on the left bank of the Kherson region, in the published on November 21, a video report said that the Russian command was forcing personnel, which is still being restored after injuries.

About it writes "Institute of War Study" in the summary of October 21. According to him, in the area of ​​Krynok for each Russian soldier there are three Ukrainian drones. A letter, allegedly published on behalf of a Russian soldier operating near Krikoni, states that the Russian forces in the same area of ​​hostilities lacks reconnaissance drones - hence the slow movement and the risk of Ukrainian attacks.

The probable Russian soldier stated that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Krynok district lacked fire support: artillery and mortar units had to quickly change positions after "several shots" in order not to get under counter -battery fire. According to a serviceman of the Russian Federation, his unit practically does not interact with other Russian units that operate nearby.

The headquarters of the Russian command in the Kherson direction makes unsuccessful plans: information is inaccurate and comes late. It is also reported that the Russian command in the Kherson direction could not make the necessary changes, which led to greater activity of Ukrainian troops.

The Russian troops, which published this letter, stated that some Russian information resources are in vain to direct the criticism of Russian operations against the commander of the Dnipro troops Commander-General Mikhail Teplinsky, who also commands airborne troops. Recall that the Kremlin is trying to reassure the Russians because of the successes of the Armed Forces in the Kherson region.