
War on exhaustion can work against the Russian Federation: the analyst called the main problem of the Armed Forces and the authorities

According to military analyst Sergey Zgurt, the country's military-political leadership should review approaches to defense, mobilization and management at the level of brigades and above. Despite the fact that the defense line with the enemy has a long length and there is a high intensity of hostilities, the promotion of Russians in Ukraine is slowed down. The director of the information and consulting company Defense Express, military expert Sergey Zgurets on the air espreso. tv told about it.

According to the expert, the military-political leadership should review approaches to defense, especially in issues of mobilization and preparation of brigades, as well as management requirements at the level of brigades and above. "All this lies now on our military-political top, and the military on the front lines do their work very well," the expert said.

In his opinion, as a result of the wonderful work of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, the Russians did not bring the results of the chosen strategy that envisages a war for exhaustion. "If we look at the number of enemies destroyed, this logic of war on exhaustion does not actually work for the Russian Federation as they expected because the loss of enemy grow.

The main thing is to minimize our own losses, and this war for exhaustion is used to use the most of the enemies as possible" , - said Zgurets. The expert added that delaying the Ramstein format is related to the US domestic political processes, but the situation is not so critical to panic. "The defense line is held, and all current calls, I hope, will be resolved with the right conclusion to us," Zgurets summed up.