
The nuclear stroke became closer. As the timidity of the Allies makes Russia even cheerful

The US refusal to give permission to strikes Russia has very unpleasant consequences, the analyst Alexander Kochetkov warns. Russia has received another proof of its impunity - therefore, the danger of nuclear impact has increased. The likelihood of a blow to Ukraine is increasing and increasing this probability of President J. Baiden's actual refusal to grant permission to use the US long -range weapons deep. This was stated by the United Kingdom Prime Minister K.

Starmer, noting that the negotiations of that damn permission will continue. Yes, the Armed Forces and now American "Himars" are beating the enemy in its historic territory. Yes, the number of "attacks" that can fly 300 km and which are at the disposal of Ukraine is a small one, so many situation at the front is still not broken. And the long -range winged rockets of Jasm can only be provided to us at the beginning of the New Year. If they give at all.

Yes, the White House is ready to remove the restrictions on the use of the British missile storm, which has components of American production, so without the US permission. And these rockets from the range of 300 km are translated into a range of 500 km quite simple. Thus, the production of drones with a range of 500+ km in Ukraine is increasing, that is, without the permission of the United States is something to beat the airfields, bases and warehouses of the enemy.

But this war is no wonder existential. It is not only so irreconcilable that only the winner should remain, but the victorious will not become. It also takes place in the spiritual sphere, where intangible factors are of great importance. The other day, Solovy-Skabev began to discuss with fear when US missiles will fly across Moscow. In fact, Putin was in a dead end and was forced to rush into a mental attack as a rat.

Therefore, he (real, not a double!) He was fired under TV cameras and rolled another ultimatum about the direct entry of NATO into the war. The next Kremlin lines of liquid color had to be not noticed. But the White House head began to hesitate again (after all, what to expect from an elderly person who wants to get a pension without excesses?). However, in the existential war, it is a fatal manifestation of weakness. The gopnik, who is shown by fear, is sharply arrogant.

Now, in all the imperial, in her troops, too, there will be an aggressive exaltation: we are afraid, so we can everything. Including terrorist attacks on US international bases. Including strokes of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine - there will be no adequate answer. Like Vysotsky: "Walk, rush, from ruble and above. " Continuation of absolutely unnecessary discussion on the US missile permit will continue in the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

That is, there are some chances of preventing the victory of Russia in spiritual confrontation. But even the unofficial resolution in the style of "we are gone" will no longer help. Because weakness is already demonstrated. In the current situation, the open unconditional solution is required as a confirmation of the principle that aggressive evil should be punished in the most decisive way, otherwise it will begin to spread the world.