
Strike on the Morozovsk Settlement - a lesson in the world: why it is important to beat for goals in the Russian Federation

According to military expert Ivan Kirichevsky, the general goal of all strikes of the farm UAV-Kamikadze of the Armed Forces for purposes in the Russian Federation-the transfer of war to the territory of the aggressor country. The techniques of this war Ukraine has to invent itself-and, looking at it, the whole world learns to fight in a new way.

The general goal of all strikes of the farm UAV-Kamikadze Defense Forces for Purpose in the Russian Federation-in fact, the transfer of war to the territory of the aggressor country by all available forces and means. One of the intermediate goals is to suppress the activity of Russian tactical aviation, based on the same drones-Kamikadze.

Since no such task in the world, in fact, has not been fulfilled, Ukraine has to be the first in the world history of wars, so the format of blows also has to find empirically. Empirical practice has shown that the most effective in current conditions can be a reception on the infrastructure of providing aviation in hostile airports. From a simple calculation: if the airport does not have to prepare planes for departure and serve after departure, then you can no longer fly here.

To describe this format of use of our UAV-Kamikadze, the phrase from an old or good anecdote is completely asked: "If I do not fly, then no one will fly. " Sometimes the effectiveness of this format takes literally to heaven, the remains of aircraft weapons at the Morozovsk airfield after a plaque on August 3, they will confirm this (directly in the photo).

And there is another, not so spectacular, but also effective confirmation of the success of long -range tactics with drones of defense forces of Ukraine - in the US Army publicly talked that they also need their own analogue "Shahaneda" to ensure the mass of the defeat and at the same time put the enemy in the situation When that is why you need to spend anti -aircraft missiles worth millions of dollars on cheap drones worth a few tens of thousands of dollars.