
In Bashkiri, the largest plant with chemicals is burning in Russia: Details (Photo)

In the published frames it is possible to see that fire and smoke have enveloped a large enough area. Rescue services arrived in place. A powerful fire broke out on the territory of the Russian Federation. Fire and thick black smoke began to spread territory. About it reports Russian media Astra on September 27. It is an enterprise in Bashkir Ishhabai, which is the largest in Russia in this area. Rescue services that will have to cope with the consequences arrived promptly.

"The Ishbaysky Specialized Chemical Plant of Catalysts" - the largest in Russia the enterprise for the production of synthetic zeolites and adsorbents. It produces "a wide range of catalysts for hydrogenization processes of obtaining high -ecological fuels", - the message reads. According to preliminary data, there are no dead and victims. Forces and means are involved in a high rank of fire. There are about 11 pieces of equipment and more than 35 firefighters on site.

More information about the fire did not sound. The local authorities did not comment on the incident at the time of material publication. It is worth noting that recently in Russia is quite restless. On the night of September 27, a fire broke out in the area of ​​Chkalovsky's airfield. Initially, several explosions came, as the locals noted, after which the smoke began to spread throughout the district.