
In Russia, a 25-year-old resident of Mariupol, who is accused of preparing a terrorist attack (photo), will be judged

The media reports that Irina Navalny was kept in a terrible conditions in the Donetsk detention center. They transported the girl to Rostov-on-Don after the investigation and the case was completed. In Russia, 25-year-old Irina Navalny from Mariupol is judged. The girl is accused of preparing a terrorist attack during a referendum in Mariupol in September 2022. About it reports the edition of Mediazon.

Initially, as the Russian media wrote earlier, the resident of Mariupol pleaded guilty in the committed, but during the first hearing in court, she said that she was not guilty. It is noted that the case against Irina is considered in Rostov-on-Don. The DNR investigation says she allegedly started working with the Ukrainian special service.

In particular, she had to pick up and store an explosive at home, which on the last day of the so -called referendum was to be laid in the administration of the Primorsky District and remotely blowing up. According to the investigation, in August, she received 25,000 from the accomplice to buy a bicycle where the explosive was supposed to transport. The Russian prosecutor in court claimed that in general for her "work" the girl had to receive 100 thousand hryvnias.

As a girl's mother told in an interview, the first months of investigation was in a pre -trial detention center in Donetsk. According to Irina's relatives, she had bad appearance and ulcers on the skin. In addition, one of the detainees who had previously been released from the pre -trial detention center told her relatives that the girl had been bruised in cameras.

There were 21 people in the camera where the 25-year-old resident of Mariupol was in the chamber, despite the fact that the premises were designed for 10 people. The arrested people were forced to stand all day, and Irina was not even brought out for walks. They transported the girl to Rostov-on-Don after the investigation and the case was completed. Protects Mariupolchanka a lawyer who was hired by a girl's mother. According to Irina's mother, they left Mariupol in the spring of 2022.

The girl got into the field of view of the Russian military when the filtration camp took place. The reason was her name - Navalny. The family went to Zhytomyr region through Russia and the Baltic countries. In Mariupol there was a grandmother of a girl who did not want to leave, but later asked Irina to come to her. So last September, the girl returned to Mariupol. We will remind, on November 29 at the prosecutor's office of Moscow reported that in absentia arrested Ukrainian singer Jamal.