
The gas station ended in fuel: as a decision to ban fuel export from the Russian Federation will affect prices in Ukraine and the world

The Government of the Russian Federation has prohibited the removal of gasoline and diesel abroad. This decision was made in connection with the fuel deficit in its domestic market. Thus, Russia loses its revenue, and at the same time financial capacity for war against Ukraine. At the same time, there is a risk that we will have to pay more.

The Government of the Russian Federation, against the background of the ongoing fuel crisis within the country, introduced a temporary restriction on export of gasoline and diesel. Farmers in the Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, Kirov, Orenburg region, republics of the North Caucasus cannot harvest due to fuel shortages. At the same time, the locals complain about the rise in price of petroleum products. Thus, since the beginning of the year as of September 18, gasoline prices increased by 9.

4% with total inflation during this period by 4. 03%. The reason for the lack of fuel within the country, which is the largest oil supplier in the world, is sanctions, namely the refusal of Europe to buy "heavy" Russian oil, says Primea Group Dmitry Leushkin. "They do not have enough fuel, because their logistics has choked," he explains. "All their" heavy "oil filled all the tanks, so they cannot physically produce fuel even for their market.

Belarus works for Russia to somehow improve their situation ". According to the Government of the Russian Federation, the decision to ban gasoline and diesel exports is made "to stabilize fuel prices in the domestic market. Temporary restrictions will help to saturate the fuel market, which in turn will reduce prices for consumers. " This is not the government's first attempt to curb the fuel crisis.

Earlier, to stabilize the situation, the government increased the standards for fuel supply to the exchange and organized daily monitoring of fuel purchase for the needs of agricultural producers with prompt adjustment of volumes. After the prohibition on export, the cost of liters in the Russian Federation began to decline. Thus, according to Roszma, the price of gasoline and diesel fuel in the European part of Russia has fallen by more than 10%.

"Prices in the domestic market are already being wound. Expected, because large export volumes (exports are half of their production) went to the domestic market. The volume in the domestic market has doubled. Therefore, the price has started to fall, this is what they hoped for," - The director of the "A-95 consulting group" Sergey Kuyun comments on focus. However, on the other hand, Russia continues to lose its "oil dollars". "Urals cannot go to Europe because of sanctions, but to go nowhere.

Its ships are sent to Brazil to sell and free up tanks for 5 cents," says Leushkin. Prices for fuel at the gas station of Russia went down. However, the Russian Federation will even lose revenue and after the ban on export of fuel losses will increase. "Russia will not get money into the treasury. Novorossiysk went every day on the tanker 20-30 thousand thousand thousands of amounts! How many in money will lose Russia-it is difficult to say, because this information is classified.

Russia has closed it since the first sanctions are introduced,"---- explains Leushkin. Reducing Russian fuel will not go unnoticed for the world market. "The Russians are the largest exporters with the sea. The disappearance of this volume can lead to a significant rise in price and lack of the product. Such a large player falls out. Accordingly, it will begin to grow. The quotation will grow unambiguously. It is not good for the world," says Sergei Kuyun.

Thus, Ukraine also risks increasing the cost of purchasing fuel. "We can be injured because if the price is growing in the world, we will have to buy more expensive than the rest of the European states," the expert said, adding that it will hardly take a long time, because the situation will press on the ruble. After a month, the Russian Federation can restore fuel exports.

Before that, it will push the pressure on the ruble in his opinion, with a maximum of a month of the Russian Federation will solve its problem and return to export. We will remind, experts predict the preservation of the trend of rising prices at Ukrainian gas stations at least by the end of the year. This is due to the fact that the price of oil is increasing in the world markets.