
In Russia, the annexation of Uzbekistan wanted - in Tashkent reacted

Uzbekistan expressed indignation after the co -chair of the party "Fair Russia - for the Truth" and summoned the Russian ambassador. The Russian propagandist and co-chair of the Party "Fair Russia-for the truth" Zakhar Pelpin expressed the desire to annex Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation. Tashkent, for his part, caused an extraordinary and authorized ambassador of the Russian Federation Oleg Malginov for negotiations. This was reported in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan.

During the meeting with the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Russian Federation, Oleg Malginov, in a fundamental form, it was proved that in Uzbekistan with a sense of deep anxiety perceived the statements of the co -chair of the party "Fair Russia - for the truth" Zakhar Prylepin about the accession of the territory of Uzbekistan.

"It is stated that such ill -advised statements of party leaders of such a friendly country as the Russian Federation, unfortunately, do not correspond to the spirit of comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation," the statement reads. The Foreign Ministry also reported that such statements, widespread in the Russian media, have a conscious provocative nature.

We will remind, Prilepin proposed to join the territory of the former USSR and teach the inhabitants of the Russian language to solve the "migration issue". "The more Russians, the less problems with people who are wrong to behave and have gone," Pelpin said. He also emphasized the need to "join" countries, "where the Gastarbaiters go from the Russian Federation, so as not to teach them here, and there in Uzbekistan.

" Meanwhile, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation stated that the statement of Plepin "even remotely have nothing to do with the official position of the leadership of the Russian Federation on the friendly and independent Uzbekistan. " He also emphasized that "his country has never questioned the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and noted that in the near future the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia plans to comment on this incident.

We will add that in 2022 the speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin threatened the United States with plans to "return" Alaska with the help of a pseudo -referendum. The head of the Russian Parliament said that in the States the number of gender change operations allegedly increased 50 times. According to him, Washington "moves to the degeneration of the nation. " We will remind, on May 6 the Russian writer Zakhar Pelpin was attempted.