
Sell ​​materials for "dragon teeth" by the occupiers: SBU detained a collaborator in Kiev

The entrepreneur from Berdyansk supplied the Russian companies with sand, rubble and cement for the construction of the so -called "dragon teeth" on the Southern Front. Even after leaving the capital, the attacker continued his trade with the invaders. In Kiev, the Security Service of Ukraine detained the owner of several enterprises in Berdyansk Zaporizhzhya region for the production of building materials.

After the occupation of the city, the man began to cooperate with the Russian troops and supply them with everything necessary for the manufacture of anti -tank reinforced concrete structures. In his apartment, documents and other material evidence of criminal cooperation with the occupying troops were discovered. This was reported by the SBU press service.

"According to the investigation, the collaborator supplied the Russian companies with sand, rubble and cement for the construction of fortifications on the Southern Front. First of all, we are talking about mass production He continued to manage the illegal business in the temporarily occupied part of the Zaporozhye region. After that, they began to regularly replenish the budget of the aggressor country in the form of paying "taxes",-the SBU noted. The attacker is currently in custody.

He was informed of suspicion under Part 4 of Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (conducting economic activity in cooperation with the state-aggressor, illegal authorities created in the temporarily occupied territory, including the occupation administration of the aggressor state). The sanction of the article provides for up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.

We will remind, on April 1 the Security Service of Ukraine reported the suspicion of the head of the Russian propaganda TV channel "Russia today" Margarita Simonian. Ukrainian intelligence services accuse Simonian of publicly urged to kill Ukrainian children in mass, and also advocated the continuation of civilian infrastructure bombardment in Ukraine.