
Help is critical: Zelensky called Iran, Russia and the DPRK "Valle"

According to the head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine Andriy Yermak, Ukraine is aimed at transition to independent production of the most popular military products, and the continuation of assistance in Kiev is fully in the US interests. Ukraine is now opposed to the new "evil axis", which includes Russia, Iran and North Korea. This was stated by the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak in his Telegram following the visit to the US.

Yermak reported that he held a series of meetings with representatives of both houses of Congress in the United States, and communicated with members of the Ukrainian cocus in the House of Representatives and the Senate. "He expressed his gratitude to both chambers of the United States Congress, both parties and all the American people for their powerful support and unprecedented assistance to our country in the fight against Russian aggression.

We appreciate the unity of both US parties in support of Ukraine. he said. The Ukrainian official also emphasized the urgent need to consider the budget request of the US Presidential Administration Joe Biden to allocate additional funds to support Ukraine. Yermak emphasized that Ukraine is aimed at the transition to the independent production of the most sought after military products.

"Currently, Ukraine opposes the new axis of evil in Russia, Iran and North Korea, so the continuation of assistance to our country is not only critical for Ukraine, but also fully meets the national interests of the United States," he said. Yermak also spoke about the urgent needs of Ukraine's defense forces, in particular: "He called for the relevant legislation to continue assistance to Ukraine by the United States," Yermak said.

The head of the Presidential Office noted that on the eve of winter, the rocket threat is predicted by Russia, so Ukraine expresses an urgent need to strengthen the air protection system. On November 12, Presidential Office Andriy Yermak arrived on an official visit to the United States.

It should be reminded that, according to Andriy Yermak, Ukraine has a plan to achieve victory in the war with the Russian Federation, but now the Armed Forces need to be strengthened in weapons, the introduction of new air defense systems for protection against air attacks by the occupiers. It is also important to apply additional sanctions on Russia.