
Putin is afraid - so he loses. What should the event be made for Ukraine at the critical moment of war

The UK Prime Minister Risha Sunak in the Times column is amazed at the stability of Ukrainians. He is convinced that such a people will surely win unless he does not lose his military support. One day last month, I stopped for a cup of tea in a noisy little coffee shop - a favorite place of young people with dogs that escape from the cold. It could be any European city, but it was Kiev, and a week earlier the building was bombed. The inhabitants were forced to leave the house. The cafe was closed.

And yet only a few days later we were there. To believe in the stability of the Ukrainian people, you need to see it.

This stability was manifested in the President Zelensky; in members of the Ukrainian Parliament who thanked the United Kingdom for their support; in the wounded soldiers I visited in the hospital; In the group of women I met - they lost their families and homes, but still remained unbranched; in exhausted doctors and employees of emergency response services; Ordinary people who do unusual things just to live their lives.

And this is manifested now that we are experiencing a gloomy anniversary of the invasion. Two years later, after a full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine-and ten years since it seized Crimea-we must think about these years of horror and suffering, promising that these crimes will be fairly retaliatory and declared louder than ever that we support Ukraine now and always. Putin thought he would be able to capture Ukraine in a few days.

Instead, he showed the power of the Ukrainian people and his own weakness. Alexei Navalny's shameful murder, he once again proved his weakness and demonstrated the world his true face-like a strong man, but which he is worried about disobedience, even when it goes because of the arctic colony's lattice, which sees the threat in citizens who place flowers in public monuments Yatniki.

This reveals the fundamental truth: although Putin can kill individuals and destroy buildings, he will never be able to defeat the will of free people. That is why Ukraine will win the struggle for sovereignty and safety. It seems fashionable to declare that Ukraine was destined to lose one way or another. But it's just wrong. See what Ukraine has achieved with our support. She reflected half of the territory that Russia won two years ago.

About half of the pre -war military potential of Russia is destroyed. Almost a quarter of the Black Sea Fleet has failed, which allowed Ukraine to open its ports again. Yes, we must be realist. But we should never maintain a defeat that only serves Putin's goals. The situation on the battlefield is becoming tougher. The loss of Avdiivka, where some of the wounded soldiers I met became a bitter blow. Therefore, we must withstand this harsh reality and then change it.

It was my message to my G7 leaders when we talked yesterday. The United Kingdom has provided the largest military support package to Ukraine. We have signed an innovative ten -year bilateral security agreement. We have taught more than 30,000 Ukrainian servicemen, provided them with basic combat tanks, long -range missiles and more. We were the first to give this weapon, and we would be ready to be the last, but the truth is that many countries continue to unite on the side of Ukraine.

Germany and France have signed their own security agreements. The EU has agreed with a new support package. Canada, Japan and many other countries are activating. And the United States headed this path. We should never underestimate what America has done for Ukraine and Euro -Atlantic security. I urge her to continue this support and I'm sure she will do it. Because we know that if Putin wins in Ukraine, the basis of the rules based on the rules will be questioned.

That is why Putin Russia continues to pose the greatest threat to the global security we face today. Therefore, we must be bolder with our military support, providing Ukraine with more long -range weapons, more drones and more ammunition. We must be bolder by struck by the Russian military economy. Our collective sanctions have deprived Russia of $ 400 billion (£ 315 billion) is an equivalent financing for the invasion for four years.

Going further, we can shake Putin's faith that he can just wait for us. That is why we have announced new sanctions on Russian energy. And we need to be bolder in the capture of hundreds of billions of frozen Russian assets. To begin with, we will send billions of percent that collect these assets to Ukraine. And then, together with G7, we need to find legitimate ways to confiscate the assets and send these funds to Ukraine.

What tribute it would be to the struggle of Alexei Navalny in order to hold the Russian state accountable for their actions. Finally, we must develop our own defense industry more boldly. Our collective GDP exceeds Russia in a ratio of 25 to one. Our defense costs exceed 15 to one ratio. It is time for us to evaluate this force. Defense production is gaining momentum in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe.

Ten years ago, only three NATO members completed the task of spending two percent of GDP on defense, and this year they will be 18. The burden is distributed, and the United Kingdom plays a leading role. This war raises the fundamental question of whether the West is ready to do everything necessary to protect freedom and security in Europe and abroad. This question was asked before, and we have always answered the affirmative.