
"Abrams on pumping": As in the Armed Forces modernized American tank (photo)

Due to the threat of FPV-oules, the tank was equipped with DS "Contact-1", a complex of radio electronic wrestling and other systems. Social networks showed the Ukrainian Tank Abrams M1A1 SA-UKR, which was additionally exacerbated by dynamic protection and grates. About it reports tank specialist Andriy Tarasenko in his telegram-channel.

The footage depicts ABRAMS tank with dynamic contact type-1 type, which was installed on the tower, as well as a visor to protect against lesions of drones-Kamikadze and FPV-aroma. In addition, it is possible that the tank integrated a complex of radio electronic struggle on the roof of the tower. In addition, a shield was placed on the bottom sheet of the frontal part.

Additional strengthening of Abrams Tank Protection in Army Recognition is called a testament to how Ukrainian tankers demonstrate ingenuity and ability to adapt to new conditions on the battlefield. Improved booking should increase anti -tank missiles, UAVs and other modern threats. Dynamic protection should give an advantage over traditional armor to reflect cumulative streams and penetrators of kinetic energy.

The battlefield in Ukraine has become a landfill for the tests of the latest anti-tank weapons and tactics, where FPV-aroma became the greatest threat to armored vehicles. They are much cheaper than other means of damage, as well as massively used both the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces. Recall that on July 17, the US prototype of the Abrams M1 Thumper with a 140mm gun was illuminated. On June 14, the 47th Brigade of the Armed Forces showed a service of Abrams.