
In the Russian Federation did not let the exmer Vladivostok war, which should stay 12 years - the media

Exmer Vladivostok got into a colony for a bribe of 200 thousand dollars from the burial office. However, he did not want to sit, so he decided to volunteer to fight in Ukraine. In the Russian Federation, the former mayor of Vladivostok Oleg Humeniuk was removed from the flight of 12 years for bribery in a particularly large size. The Russian volunteered in the Armed Forces of Russia, passed the medical commission and got on the plane to go to fight in Ukraine.

However, he was returned to the colony to stay. About the incident with the Esxmer Vladivostok told in Russia "Darling Vedomosti". The author of the post indicated that the information was received from the Russian official Vladimir Naydin. According to the official, Humeniuk really went through all the procedures needed to be sent to the army. However, it was stopped on the plane's ladder and returned to the strict regime No. 27, where it is to be punished. The Russian media "Siber.

Realias" added some details that clarified the situation. In particular, journalists reported that the information on the sending of Humeniuk to the war was not officially confirmed by the employees of the Federal Service for the performance of injuries (in Russian - Fsin). However, in some way the convicted person managed to pass the medical commission and go to the assembly point. The authors suggest that it was the "Fsin" who could slow down the exmer's desire to "redeem" their guilt.

Roszma also explained the details of the exmer criminal case. He received his sentence in early 2023: Humeniuk was sentenced to receiving a bribe of 18. 5 million rubles. (about $ 240,000 at the rate of 2021) The court first decided to settle it in a strict regime colony for 16. 5 years. However, he then facilitated punishment - reduced the term to 12 years. It should be noted that Oleg Humeniuk was 56 years old at the time of the sentence. The mayor of Vladivostok was from 2019 to 2021.

And the bribe took from the employees of the funeral agency. It should be noted that analysts of the Institute of War Study in their reports note that they continue to send Russian prisoners to Ukraine. At the same time, the commander of Tavriya Oleksandr Tarnavsky noted that the front of the front from Orikhov to Avdiivka was sent to the "meat storms", where they die massively. Meanwhile, experts analyzed mortality among the Russian military.

They found that the exzecs among them are a minority, and most of them were mobilized citizens of the Russian Federation. They also noted that the number of contract volunteers. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin assured that he would not declare general mobilization, since the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a powerful stream of volunteers. We would like to remind you that in the US we have decided to send maximum military assistance to Israel, President Joe Biden said.