
1 case per 50 million: double -uterine American was born at once two embryos

The unique case in its rare case is amazing because the previous birth of a woman who has given birth to three healthy children has been successful, contrary to disappointing statistics. In a 32-year-old resident of Alabama Kelsi Hetcher, pregnancy is very unusual because of a rare disease known as "uterine didelphis" (Uterus Didelphys), for which it has two uterus.

Hatcher, massage therapist and the mother of three children, in May during an ultrasound examination at the eighth week of pregnancy found that a pregnant woman is twin, and in each uterus is one fetus, writes Sciencealert. In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe to not miss the most info and interesting news from the world of science! Her gynecologist, Dr.

Schvet Padele from the Center for Women and Babies at Alabama University in Birmingham, explained the likely scenario of separate ovulation and fertilization in each uterus. Although the double uterus often leads to complications during pregnancy, the previous three children are born healthy and full. The uterine Didelphy is a rare congenital condition in which a woman has two separate uterus, each with his cervix, and often double or separated vagina.

This is due to the incomplete fusion of two muller ducts during the development of the fetus, which usually combine and form one uterus. Although many women with this disease can lead a normal lifestyle and have a successful pregnancy, it can increase the risk of complications such as miscarriage, premature birth and kidney abnormalities. This condition occurs in approximately 0. 3-0.

5% of women and is often diagnosed during examination for other gynecological problems or during ultrasound during pregnancy. Cases of simultaneous onset of pregnancy in both uterus are extremely rare, their probability is 1 by 50 million. The last known case was registered with Bangladesh 2019. Hetcher, who expects childbirth, calls his twins "girls". It counts on natural births, but is ready for caesarean section due to independent contractions of each uterus.

Gethcher is confident in his team of doctors, recognizing the uniqueness of his case. Earlier, focus wrote about how much Immaculate Conception in humans is possible. After the female crocodile laid the fertilized eggs without the participation of the male, scientists thought about the question - is parthenogenesis possible in humans? Focus also wrote that hormones in contraceptives can be reduced by 90%, without affecting their effectiveness.