
"Putin should be respected": the Kremlin speaker advised the President of Lithuania to listen to a colleague with the Russian Federation (photo)

Peskov stated that they could not comment on the attack on Navalny's colleague, which happened in Lithuania, but stressed that the President of Russia was "not afraid". Presidential President Vladimir Putin President Dmitry Peskov commented on the statement of Lithuanian Lithuanian Hitanas Nauseda, made by him after the attack on Alexei Navalny's colleague in Vilnius. About it writes the Russian news agency "TASS". "It happened in Lithuania.

Putin should not be afraid, Putin needs to be respected and listened. We cannot comment on what is happening in another country," Peskov said. Earlier, Lithuanian President Nauseda stated that on the exchamber of the headquarters of Alexei Navalny Leonid Volkov could attack "under the influence of the Kremlin". "I hope - they will find the perpetrators. He added that the relevant services will evaluate the incident - the attack is investigating the anti -terrorist police unit of Lithuania.

According to the media, unknown attacked Leonid Volkov near his house in Vilnius on the evening of March 12. "He was smashed with a hammer in the car and scattered tear gas into his eyes, after which the attacker began to beat Leonid with a hammer," - said Navalny Kira Yarmysh, an expression. FBC Director Ivan Zhdanov posted a photo of the consequences of the attack on Volkov.

According to Reuters with reference to the representative of Lithuania special services, the attack, "probably" was organized by the Russian side and could be connected with the future presidential election. "It seems to be the case of the hands of Russian special services. We see that (Russian intelligence. - Ed. ) Is very seriously aimed at this region and takes measures . . . We see (recruitment. - Ed.

) Activity in all three Baltic countries,", - said on Thursday, March 14, the head of the State Security Department of Lithuania Darus Yajushnkis, without specifying what this assessment is based. Leonid Volkov himself, who was declared in Russia, said that he had already returned from the hospital home, he had a broken hand. "From me wanted to make a reflective, natural, hammer for the chops right near the house in the yard attacked me, 15 times hit the leg.