
"Hurricane" no, but the shells remained: the expert revealed how the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use drones with cassettes

Reduilders with a cassette sub -bar from the Hurricane jet installation cannot be bored with speed and maneuverability, but they still pose a great danger, according to military observer Alexander Kovalenko. In the Russian Federation began to use FPV-punks in Ukraine in Ukraine, equipped with cassettes from the shell of the jet system of the volley fire (RSSV) "Hurricane". Oleksandr Kovalenko, in his Telegram-channel on June 7, told about how effective such weapons are effective.

Oleksandr Kovalenko commented on a snapshot of the Russian drone, noting that the enemy installed a cassette of the CPFM-1C from the 220-mm jet projectile 9m27K3 of the Hurricane RSV. This cassette contains a set of anti-personnel mines of PFM-1 "Lepstok". "Russian invaders boast about the next murder tools," the expert writes. According to Oleksandr Kovalenko, such a load deprives the drone of maneuverability, and it is strange how it rises in the air.

However, given the nature of the ammunition contained in the cassette, maneuverability and speed does not play a big role. The occupiers are probably used by such FPV-punks to scatter in certain areas of extremely dangerous anti-personnel mines. "It would not be possible to raise the question separately, and where they went to the third year of the war themselves, the RSZV 9K57" Hurricane ", but, the answer, I think, you know yourself," the expert added.

It should be noted that the Russian FPV-Dron, with a cassette subbound from the Hurricane jet installation, was intercepted and captured by the Ukrainian military. Each such sub-barrel has 26 PFM-1 anti-personnel mines. Due to the shape and small size, such mines are difficult to detect. The fact that the Armed Forces fighters equip their drones with anti-tank mines TM-62 and throw them on the heads of Russian invaders, was reported in September last year.