
Russia is deprived of sunken ships with a powerful laser: how it works (video)

The laser can remotely cut a metal cladding and partitions even underwater and can be tuned to cut different materials. Mobile laser technology, originally designed for nuclear power, is used to clean the bottom of sunken vessels. About it reports Russian TV channel Ren TV. The technology uses a powerful laser capable of cutting metal cladding and sorting out of almost any materials. The equipment is placed in two cargo containers and powered by a diesel generator.

Currently, the Russians get rid of sunken ships in the port of Korsakov, Sakhalin region and have already cut four vessels, three more - in the queue. The laser beam can be divided into parts of a metal vessel up to 260 mm thick up to 300 m. The use of laser cutting method with remote separation is primarily due to safety - a laser container and staff are up to 100 meters away from the object.

According to the Russian Federation, the main advantage of laser cutting is that it can be carried out remotely and even underwater. The mobile laser complex can work at a distance of almost one hundred meters and punch the metal with a thickness of almost thirty centimeters. The laser can also be used in the air, for which you need to change the special nozzle on the installation.

These complexes were first developed for nuclear power at the Trinity Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Studies, so that remotely laser cutting cut thick -walled structures for their disposal, as well as eliminate the effects of man -made accidents.

Probably, a laser for the disposal of sunken ships may need Russia in the Black Sea, because since the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the aggressor country has lost 17 combat vessels. The Ukrainian troops managed to sink the Moscow missile cruiser, a large landing ship "Saratov" and a rescue towing vessel "Vasyl Bech Rescuer". In addition, 5 combat boats and 10 small boats of different types were destroyed.

At the end of September, it became known that scientists collect the most powerful laser in the world, which in trillion times brighter than the sun. The laser impulse will be capable of providing more power than the entire national network, but will last less than a trillion fraction of a second and will be focused on the target only a few micrometers wide. And in February, the media wrote that the latest laser air defense could knock down Iranian drones.