
The Status of "Children of War" today does not provide for any additional benefits - Minister of Social Policy (Video)

In fact, all 7. 5 million Ukrainian children are considered to be victims of war, according to the head of the Ministry of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovich. Oksana Zonovych, the head of the Ministry of Social Policy, told the future of children affected by full-scale Russian aggression at the International Sustainability Forum 2023 conference, which took place on September 20-21 this year. "Until recently, the" children of war "was associated with people who were born before the end of World War II.

Before the beginning of Russian armed aggression, Ukrainians met him only on pages of books on history or in the retirement certificate of the elderly. , 5 million children can be called "victims" in one way or another, - said the official. Oksana Zholnovich noted that such status today does not provide any additional benefits or assistance. just in case. However, the government does not imply to create such preferential programs, because these children will eventually pay their help to themselves.

In addition, Zholnovich also paid attention to the status of veterans, with whom it also sees a big problem: what it should be, what it should be, what it should be The amount of benefits and in general to whom and how they will be granted. So how logical is such a flow of money in nature? Therefore, it is necessary to approach it carefully, " - said the minister.

According to the current legislation, children of war are persons who are citizens of Ukraine and who at the end of World War II (September 2, 1945) was not 18 years old (according to Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Social Protection of Children of War"). There are now no reasons for the legislative basis for assignment to children the status of "Child of War". But this status is provided by the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No.

268 "On Approval of the Procedure for granting the status of a child affected by hostilities and armed conflicts. ”These are children affected by military conflicts, hostilities or anti -terrorist operations.

These can be children who have experienced injuries, injuries, physical, sexual or psychological violence, as well as children who have been stolen, illegally exported for The boundaries of their country, involved in the actions of militarized or armed formations, were illegally maintained or have undergone other negative consequences through hostilities. Therefore, children who, after a full -scale invasion of February 24, 2022, have lost their home or relatives, can claim special status.

All children who have not reached the age of 18 years of age at the time of conducting anti-terrorist operations and measures to ensure national security and defense. Guarantees also have minors who: to obtain status, you must contact the custody or actual residence authorities. In this case, a complete package of documents should be provided and the circumstances that have adversely affect the health and development of the child.