
SBU in the last 2 months has struck the oil refining capacities

The Center for Special Operations "Alfa", which is part of the Security Service of Ukraine, struck part of the oil refining capacities of Russia, which brought 55% of foreign exchange earnings to the country's budget.

About it at the first annual "Summit of Freedom of the United States - Ukraine", which takes place in Washington and co -organizer of which is the National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises of Ukraine (NAUDI), said one of the heads of special forces of the SBU (name is hidden for safety), "Espresso reports) . Tv ". "Over the past two months, many oil refineries have been affected, which has reduced the export of petroleum products by one third, which is 55% of enemy military revenue.

This is the foreign exchange earnings from export of petroleum products," he said. Also, during 2023, the SBU Special Operations Center destroyed more than 500 Russian tanks. "The Alfa Special Operation Center actively uses drones to defeat Russian equipment and live power. More than 500 Russian tanks were eliminated during 2023," said Special Forces, adding that these were T-90 and T-90M tanks, the cost of which- over $ 5 million per unit.