
Added Rer, lasers and new weapons: how the Russians refined their drone "Outpost"

The developers have increased the time of operation of the Forpost drone and have expanded its functionality, they claim in the Russian Federation. In the Russian Federation modernized reconnaissance and scrutiny unmanned aerial vehicles "Forpost". About it writes the Russian TASS agency with reference to a representative of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant (Uzsa). The Forpost developer claims that the drone was created for use in areas where there is no highly organized air defense system.

He stated that work is underway to improve the design of the device and add new useful loads. Russian expert in unmanned aviation Denis Fedutinov added in a comment to the agency that one of the areas of modernization of "Forpost" is an increase in the length of flight so that UAV can work longer and be based on more remote aerodromes. He also stated that the developers have expanded the functionality of the drone.

According to the interlocutor of the publication, earlier "Forpost" was used only for reconnaissance with the help of a high quality onboard optical-electronic observation system. However, the new versions of UAVs also received the possibilities of radar and radio intelligence, as well as a laser range-target for use in a link with high-precision weapons.

The Russian expert claims that "Forpost" now has to strike directly for the purposes identified by its own aviation means, which were specifically created for UAVs. " We will remind, "Outpost" is a Russian version of the Israeli drone Searcher MK II, which is collected by the Ural Civil Aviation Plant in the city of Yekaterinburg.