
Our warriors need more tools to destroy Russian missiles, shock drones and aviation - Presidential Appeal of Ukraine

Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Short report for this day - long and rich, many meetings, different meetings . . . Morning selector - reports of military, SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs. In particular, on Russian shelling and elimination of their consequences. Special attention is Kherson, Kherson. These days, Russia with particular cruelty is fired by Kherson, Berislav, and the villages of Kherson region. Artillery, managed airbags. On homes, farms, ordinary stores and infrastructure.

The conscious terror of the occupier. My condolences to all who lost my loved ones! And I thank everyone and everyone who works in this area in Kherson region - and in all our other regions that are affected. Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, northern regions. It is extremely important that there are rescuers and salvation. When they are, when life is escaped, terror will not win.

I thank all the doctors and employees of the SES, all volunteers, police, all utilities, energy, local authorities and anyone who helps. I thank you for preserving the lives of our people and for restoring living conditions! Separate assignments - the military, there will be separate assignments and all those who are engaged in the international direction: our soldiers need more tools to destroy both Russian missiles, Shahledi and other shock drones, and Russian aviation.

And I am grateful to all in the world who is already helping and ready to increase our assistance to our country with such means that can provide more protection against Russian terror. Today he accepted the certificates of certificates from ambassadors - seven ambassadors who are beginning to work in Ukraine. The United Kingdom, France, Estonia, Canada, Hungary, Slovenia and the European Union. He talked to everyone.

They are tuned to the most productive work with Ukraine, and I am sure that such work is needed now by all of us, all in the world who seeks to bring the end of the war. Bring our common victory. We now have a new ambassador of our fundraising platform United24. He became British actor Mark Strong. We spoke today, and I thanked the Mark's decision to work in the field of Education and Science. Its purpose will be to raise funds for the rebuilding of Ukrainian schools.

Our task is to give all Ukrainian children the opportunity to study at school, not remotely there and then, where and when it is possible. By the way, the United24 has already raised more than $ 470 million. Almost half a billion charitable contributions from more than 110 countries. Different countries, different levels of contributions. These are both people - ordinary people and companies. I thank everyone! And one more. Held several preparatory meetings today.

This month, we are planning powerful measures to strengthen the state and are already working on a meaningful filling of October and November. Ukraine will be stronger. Ukraine will have more opportunities for its protection. Whatever happening in the world, no matter how external conditions, we have to remember: only our conditions, only our inner attitude towards Ukraine, to freedom, to our purposes determines when we achieve our goal. The main goal is the victory of Ukraine.