
The occupiers are preparing a Tribunal in Mariupol on Independence Day of Ukraine - mayor

The Russians, according to Vadim Boychenko, want to blame Ukrainian fighters of destruction of the city and killings of civilians during the court. Russian invaders plan to hold an analogue of "Nuremberg Tribunal" over Ukrainian prisoners on the Independence Day of Ukraine in Mariupol. Vadim Boychenko may said this during a briefing during a briefing.

According to him, the Suddhish over Ukrainian fighters Russians want to spend in the building of the Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic, where only cultural events took place earlier. During the briefing, Boychenko stated that there are now more than 10 thousand citizens of Ukraine in prisons in the occupied territories, including servicemen who were captured by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

"And they want on our holiday, Independence Day, to arrange their coven in Mariupol," - continued the mayor of the Port City, although he did not rule out that Russian invaders could hold their "analogue" of the Nuremberg Tribunal on another date. According to Boychenko, the suggestion of Ukrainian prisoners of war wants to show the invaders for the average Russians "Victory over Ukraine", since the desired result was not achieved at the front of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to Boychenko, the "tribunal" is a war crime. Russia has violated agreements with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN regarding the defenders of Azovstal, which were to be transported towards the territory controlled by Kiev. "The invaders want victories for the Russian internal consumer to show that they are achieving something. And for the inner consumer in Mariupol . . .

They want to blame for those destruction and murder made And they replace the concepts in the information space. The city was destroyed and burned, people were killed more than the Nazis in two years of occupation, and they say that they did all the Armed Forces, "Boychenko summarized during a briefing. We will remind, the chairman of the pro -Russian fighters "DNR" Denis Pushilin announced the holding in Mariupol "Tribunal" over Ukrainian prisoners of war.