
Not only shells are needed: the US Army lacks funds to replace the equipment transferred to Ukraine

In addition to expanding the production of ammunition, the states need to replace the equipment they have handed over to Ukraine. The US request is planned to allocate $ 18 billion to the help of Kiev. While the Congress is arguing about the military assistance package of Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, the Pentagon is said to be lacking in for the replacement of weapons that were transferred to the Armed Forces. About it reports Breaking News.

High -ranking officials in the US Defense Ministry say that they need money to replenish ground combat vehicles that were transferred to Ukraine. The Pentagon needs "additional dollars" to get the cars for replacement, said the head of the US Army Procurement Dag Bush. In a request for help from Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and border security, about $ 185 billion is planned to be allocated for the purchase of weapons that was handed over to Kiev.

Since the beginning of a full -scale war in Ukraine, the United States has been conveyed: this is only part of the weapon received by Ukraine. Some of the weapons came from the US Army reserves and manufacturers have received a replacement or contract for the manufacture of new machines. But to replace M113 will be with a new AMPV car, which requires more investment. In addition, additional funding is needed to supply spare parts to the equipment that was transferred to Ukraine.