
Beaten Not Shahd: New and Cheap Gerbers attacked Ukraine, Flash Details (Video)

The Russian military used a large amount of UAV during a night attack to demand Ukrainian air defense. In the published video, the drone does not resemble Iranian Shahd, said radio technologies specialist Sergey Beskrestnov with the call sign "Flash". On the night of July 30 to 31, Ukrainian cities attacked almost 100 drones.

According to a serviceman and a specialist in the field of radio technologies Sergey Beskrestyev with a call sign "Flash", it is likely that the armed forces of the Russian Federation were beaten not unmanned aerial aircraft such as Shahd, but news and cheap "gerberas". He wrote about it in his Telegram channel. "It is likely that tonight Ukraine was attacked not by chess, but by new cheap gerberas," Flash said. He stressed that it was because of this that many drones flew and were destroyed.

According to the serviceman, the purpose of such an hostile attack is to demand Ukrainian air defense. "We are waiting for the military to find and explore the debris," he said. Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk has published a video of the beat of hostile "Shahmed" in the eastern direction in the morning of July 31. "Shahaneda's Best" in the eastern direction in the morning of July 31, 2024.

Remember that even after the defeat of the rocket's hostile and strikes pose a serious threat! " - said Mykola Oleshchuk. However, Flash noted that Shahed UAVs do not burn so much and slowly falls. In addition, the video shows another form. He believes that this is how the light "gerbera", made of plywood and foam, is burning and falling. Herbera's drone has foam fuselage and is characterized by low production levels.

UAVs can perform three different functions: Recall that on the night of July 31, different types of weapons attacked the peaceful cities of Ukraine, in particular, the main purpose of the enemy was Kyiv. According to the Commander of the Air Force Mykola Oleshchuk, during the attack the enemy used a managed aviation missile of the type X-59 and 89 shock drones of the Shahd type. Ukrainian air defense managed to repel a massive attack.