
Su-57 in the war against Ukraine: what is known about the advanced aircraft of the Front Aviation of the Russian Federation (photo)

The fifth -generation multi -purpose fighter had to have superstitude and low radar. And the capabilities of the SU-57 were to correspond to the installation of advanced rocket weapons of the Russian Federation. In February 2023, Russian occupation troops began to use the latest multi-purpose Su-57 multi-purpose fighter jets against Ukraine.

Then the head of the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov declared "successful use" of aircraft on the front, without specifying the type of weapons they use. In February this year, it became known that Su-57 is beaten by the latest X-69 missiles in Ukraine. In this regard, the focus gathered information that in general is an advanced Russian fighter, and what potential it has in terms of weapons.

In the early 1990s, work on a promising fighter of the fifth generation began in Russia. The development and design bureau (DCB) PA Sukhoy and A. I. Mykoyana. It was the experts of the "dry" who created the first prototype of the T-50 aircraft, which will later be adopted by the Russian Air Force as SU-57. In September 1997, the aircraft with Su-47 Golden Eagle rose to the air.

The experimental machine had a scheme of the so -called "reverse wing", but during the trials the disadvantages of such a design were revealed, so the idea of ​​a future fighter with the scheme of the wing of reverse boom was decided to refuse. Already in the 2000s, Russian engineers began to create a promising air aviation complex (PAC FA).

The DCB stood in the task - excessiveness, cruising flight at supersonic velocity without the use of the fox, had radar visibility, increased efficiency of damage to air and terrestrial purposes. In April 2002, the developers were chosen "Sukhoi", where the T-50 project was created. The sketch project of the new aircraft was presented in 2004, and in 2007 at the plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Knaaz) began compilation of T-50-50 research.

The developers themselves argued that during the development of the machine for the first time used non -cross -projection technologies and used electronic layouts. At the beginning of 2010, the first flight sample of the T-50 was rolled out in the DCB, and on January 29, the first test flight took place, which lasted 47 minutes. As a built-in weapon on the fighter uses a 30mm automatic gun 9A1-4071k is a modernized version of the old GS-301.

The basis of the SU-57 rocket weapons is the rockets of the Air-Air-Air Class P-77M and P-37M of large range. The aircraft can also be equipped with a X-59MK2 rocket, which is designed to neutralize radar objects and enemy air defense systems. The side trucks of the fighter are designed to accommodate low-range RVV-MD missiles. It is also capable of lifting 8 units of corrected planning airbombs CAC-500.

For landscaping for land purposes, the aircraft can be armed with "Air-Earth" missiles X-38 of a small radius with a range of starting up to 40 km and a speed of 2. 2 Mach (1620 km/h). Recently, information has been received that Su-57 has used the latest Air-Earth rocket to strikes in Ukraine X-69, which experts call multifunctional, inconspicuous and high-precision. The weapon was created to destroy transport infrastructure, including railway stations and junctions.

Also X-69 is capable of affecting ammunition and fuel and lubricants, command points and communications units, refineries and petrochemical plants, large enterprises, power plants, etc. The new Russian fighter came out more "sight" than its predecessors. Experts note the presence of six RLS, which is able to stand up to 60 goals at the same time. The aircraft is equipped with the board radar H036 "Belka" with several affairs, located in different parts of the glider.

There is also a nasal antenna, as well as devices in the front edge and endings of the wing operating in different ranges. This provides a circular inspection at a distance of hundreds of kilometers, which allows to notice air targets in a timely manner. Russian developers were forced to develop a small radar aircraft, as stealth technologies were firmly in the aircraft building of many countries.

In addition, in today's air combat, the secrecy of the aircraft is not the last importance in the conquest of domination. The developers do not say in detail about stels-57, however, the profile Russian resources point out that thanks to the design and features of the glider forms, as well as due to composite materials, the fighter fighter is allegedly poor . According to various data, the level of equivalent isotropic scattering is from 0. 1 to 1 sq. m.

Meanwhile, Western critics have questioned the possibility of Su-57 to be invisible to modern air defense. One of the forums on this issue was a specialist in the field of aviation Abhirup Sengupta. According to him, the effective scattering area (EPR) Su-57 does not go into any comparison with F-22 Raptor or F-35 Lightning II Lockheed Martin. The aircraft was also criticized due to the lack of S-shaped air intakes that significantly increase the EPR.

But the developers of "dry" did not neglect the S-channel, but exchanged the blades of the turbine with a coaxial radar blocker, similar to the fact that it was installed on the F-117. A recently united aviation corporation (OAC) reported that Su-57 received new AL-51F1 engines. This has become an important factor in the plan that the Su-57 did not actually become a 5th generation fighter.

The fact is that these engines did not allow the car to fly at supersonic cruising speed without a forcing, which is one of the excellent capabilities of the 5th generation machines. Now AL-51F1 appeared, which, according to some experts, became revolutionary.