
"The enemy will burn": Ukrainian artillerymen destroyed the Russian gun "Hyacint-B" (video)

Ukrainian artillerymen hit a high -precision projectile. The hostile technique stopped functioning, and thick black smoke was raised into the sky. In the southern direction, the soldiers of the 406 Separate Artillery Brigade named after Alexei Diamozov showed how they destroyed the hostile 152mm gun 2A36 "Hiacint-B", which the Russian Federation was trying to mask. The video was posted by the commander of the operational-strategic group of Tavriya troops Alexander Tarnavsky on Telegram.

"The Artillerymen of the Marines of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces found and destroyed the masked gate of 152 mm gun 2A36" Hiacint-b ". The enemy will burn. Glory to Ukraine," Alexander Tarnavsky wrote. In particular, in the southern direction, Ukrainian fighters found a masked Russian gun. The artillery calculation received the coordinates and the high -precision projectile was struck by the enemy target.

After a successful blow, the military equipment of the Russian Federation stopped functioning, and thick black smoke was raised into the sky. Hyacint-B is a Soviet trailer gun 152 mm. The maximum range of the lesion is 28. 5 kilometers of a fragmentary and foot projectile and up to 33. 5 kilometers with an active-reactive ammunition. The cannon is used to destroy living power, military equipment and firearms.

We will remind, on September 20 it became known that in the Kherson region special forces of the CSO "Alfa" of the SBU destroyed three Russian overhanging boats in which the military of the Russian Federation was. Ukrainian fighters eliminated the enemy with the help of drones-Kamikadze Ukrainian production. On the same day, the SPSU reported that in Kupyanskaya the fighters of the "steel border" were eliminated two Russian surveillance complexes "Mur-M".