
The basis of nutrition was decoction of husk of rotten potatoes: how do Ukrainian captives live in the Russian Federation

Most of the time of prisoners took talk about food. They had a moratorium on the word "soon". On May 31, 2024, Ukraine returned 75 Ukrainians from the Russian captivity, among them was the founder of the Volunteer Initiative "School of Military Divisions" Konstantin Mirgorodsky, who was captured in March 2022 in the Bucha district and spent 810 days in captivity. The video of his singing on the bus, shot by journalists, gathered hundreds of thousands of views on social networks, writes "League".

"I dreamed that when I come back, I will do three things: I sing Taras Petrinenko's song, I kiss and smoke for good coffee. When I was on the bus after the exchange, I thought: why not sing?", - recalls the military. On March 14, Konstantin Mirgorodsky was captured near Claudiev and taken to Gostomel at the airfield, where they were kept in the refrigerator, which served instead of the camera, together with the other three dozen people.

And on March 23, the prisoners were taken to Belarus, from where we were transported to Novozibkiv, Bryansk region, from where in several stages. "The pre -trial detention center began with the" acceptance ". You are undressed. From the gate to the corps they are driven through two ranks of Fusin employees. While you go - you are beaten and digested by dogs. Dogs tear your feet. If you fall - they jump on you. Someone breaks.

They are chasing all the hoods, " - recalls Konstantin, who used to" confess "that he was allegedly ordinary terroboron. In addition to local verthals, the detention center was guarded in the pre-trial detention center. And when in early May, Olenivka brought the defenders of Mariupol, they were brutally mocked. Particularly obtained for boys of combat specialties: snipers, grenade launchers. "Some were so tortured that the cries were inhuman.

It was constantly: you are questioned with a plus-minus normally, but you hear how people are tortured in the neighboring chamber," he recalls. There was a fierce cold in a huge chamber. They were not removed from the camera, except for interrogation and during searches. They were fed so that prisoners could only maintain life, giving less than a thousand kcal a day. In Novozibkov, a man stayed for over a year.

There before the bath - in a particular frost - they were thrown into a walk and for 20 expectations, quite well, driven into a bath, where without hot water and soap should be washed in three minutes. In May 2023, he was taken to tolerance. In the evening, during the "reception" it was raining and under it had to stand all night. The guards only ordered to kneel, then close their head with their hands. They barely waited for the morning, he said.

But it turned out that it was a shipment to the correctional colony in the village of Pakino of the Vladimir region. It all started in a new circle: the same routine, the same interrogations, but a little better conditions, where they even brought out for walks, and in the winter they were given out jackets. "The worst here was famine. The basis of nutrition was a decoction of rotting potato . Instead, Pacino did not provide medical care. The doctor did not even have green.

The boys rot, everyone had horrible ulcers and had to wait at least a month for the doctor to come and grease them with Fucorcin. In Pakino came a red cross and half of the people hid them - they just closed the barrack and ordered everyone to lie down on cows, which is usually strictly forbidden. Some part of the prisoners of the Red Cross called for conversations, gave to fill in registration cards and a chance to finally contact their relatives.

Also, Russian human rights activists came and they were preparing seriously - for a few days we were taught to walk evenly, and not as usual, hands back, face in the floor. The table was brought into the camera, laid a tablecloth that something was unprecedented. "Human rights activists ask how with food? We are skinny, tired - just: they are normal. They are: we know, here is not a resort. The nod is not a resort," he recalls.

Most of the time spent talking about food: they remembered what they would like to eat, fantasized about the dishes that we will cook at home, even the recipes invented. All mentally began to do business in the agricultural sphere and open restaurants. "But not all of them were kept at some point. Through famine, people really lost their mind. It was scary," says Konstantin Mirgorodsky.

At the same time, the Russians "played" with Ukrainian prisoners: they were specially fed and others were kept on hungry soldering. There was no year of exchanges and the captives were in emotional decline. It is much easier to know that someone went home because you can be the next. In the last month, Konstantin Mirgorodsky got into a chamber with Marines, with which there were common interests - music, motorcycles. Even the attitude towards food was indifferent.

In addition, prisoners were allowed to play sports on the so -called. "Fitness-Hati", where everyone was swinging when there were forces. "There was a clear pattern: they threw two kashas more - OPA! - Everyone immediately train. They feed worse - in most pause, they are waiting for an unfavorable period," he said. Ukrainian songs were very much supported, but they had to sing very quietly, because there it was possible to "grab" for the Ukrainian language. "We had a moratorium on the word" soon ".

It was possible to grab for him. We go outside:" Well, when we are already changed? Oh, men, would see the sky just like that. Or look - oh, clouds fly to Ukraine. I repeated to them: "Men, do not say" soon. " But soon we will see his native sky, " - says Konstantin Mirgorodsky. On May 7, he was called with one guy with things and thrown into the camera, which was sent only when they were taken. There were no days in this camera and sent to the Russian Federation. 76, and in the morning they flew.

They said goodbye. Named my last name. Came out. He removed the bag from his head - prisoners with tied hands are brought into civilian beads in a civilian parking lot. We went for another hour. The tension is enormous - just would not break, "he recalls the Russian prisoners during the exchange. I still told the boys that there was no such shit in the traditions of our people as hunger torture. But contrast was very, " - said Konstantin Mirgorodsky.