
The Armed Forces reflect the DPRK attacks with the help of American cassette ammunition - Forbes (video)

American journalists say that the Armed Forces fighters have destroyed hundreds of DPRK fighters near the village of Plohovo in the Kursk region thanks to the DPICM shells, which scatter 88 grenade -sized grenades over the battlefield. The DPRK troops, which the Russian Federation launched in the Kursk region, attacked units of the Armed Forces under the village of Plohovo.

The first attack was expensive for the North Koreans at a price, and the second fighters of the 17th separate difficult mechanized Krivoy Rog Brigade of the Armed Forces were successfully repelled with the help of American cassette ammunition, writes Forbes. "Perhaps Ukrainians have one contradictory weapon, which won the weekend on that section of the Kursk Front," the journalists suggest.

The authors of the material note that the video attacks show the use of cassette ammunition of American production. According to them, these could be dual -use artillery shells (DPICM), which are revealed over the battlefield and scattered subbov -sealing the size of a grenade. It is noted that as a result of such an attack, the 11th Army Corps of the DPRK has lost hundreds of fighters.

American journalists write that DPICM Ukraine was received from the United States quite late, a year after the start of a full -scale invasion, because it is a rather controversial weapon. Some subbovs of cassette shells remain unobtrusive and may subsequently be a danger to friendly troops and civilians.

The United States is moving to the newer DPICM models to minimize these risks, but Ukraine has been forced to agree to the older shells because of the huge advantage of Russia in troops and technology. According to the US Army, given by the Royal Institute of Joint Services in London, 14 standard 155 mm shells may be required for one enemy soldier, whereas DPICM shells will only be enough, because each of them scatters 88 sub-cottages.

"The deadly DPICM shells not only kill the enemy faster, but also allow friendly artillery batteries to shoot fewer shells for the same effect," the journalists said. Analysts of the Royal Joint Defense Research Institute Jack Wotling and Justin Bronk say that the most important argument in favor of Ukraine's use was the savings of artillery ammunition and weapons resource.

"Since each trunk has a resource of about 1800 shots, giving Ukraine DPICM will mean that it will have to shoot fewer shells for a certain combat effect, which will allow it to be used in battle much longer," Wotling and Bronk noted. Recall that December 17, the New York Times revealed what price Putin paid for the weapons and soldiers of the DPRK. It was noted that North Korea receives food, oil, cash and modern weapons systems for billions of dollars from the Russian Federation.