
Putin's Useful Lakey: Biden commented Trump's threats to "encourage Russia" to aggression

Donald Trump's potential second term will destroy US international relations and encourage US enemies, Joe Biden is convinced. Donald Trump's statements about the threats to "encourage Russia" to attack one of NATO members are "terrible and dangerous. " US President Joe Biden said this, The Hill writes. According to the US President, the potential second term Trump will destroy the US international relations and encourage the enemies of the country.

"Donald Trump's confession that he intends to give Putin" Green Light "for further war and violence, continue his brutal attack on free Ukraine and spread his aggression on the peoples of Poland and the Baltic States, are terrible and dangerous," Biden said. . Trump Biden called "predictable" because they are heard from "a person who promises to rule as a dictator as soon as he returns to the oval office.

" In addition, on the social network X Biden published a post with Trump's statements time of a rally in South Carolina. "Do you want to know why Ukraine is important? Because, as you can see, Putin and his useful lackeys put an eye on more significant prizes," Biden wrote. Trump's statement was commented by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. will meet the "one and strong answer".

I expect that regardless of who wins the presidential election, the United States will remain a strong and devoted ally of NATO, "Stoltenberg said. Recall that on Sunday, February 10, 45th US President Donald Trump mentioned in South Carolina that he remembered that As the president, he said to one of the leaders of NATO countries that he would "encourage Russia" to attack those NATO members who make insufficient financial contributions to the Alliance defense.