
Atomic threat. Whether the Russian Federation goes after the Kakhovski hydroelectric power station for a controlled accident for the ZPP

Currently, the situation at the Zaporozhye NPP can get out of control at any time. Energodar residents are asked to leave the city because of the possible threat of radiation leakage. The focus learned what the likelihood of a NPP accident was and what was being done to prevent it. After the Kakhovsky Hydroelectric power plant, the conversation about the likelihood of man -made disasters in the territories occupied by Russia no longer looks like propaganda.

The first deputy mayor of Energodar Ivan Samodyuk notes that after undermining the occupied Russian Dams in Kakhovka on the night of June 6, it is difficult to predict how the Russians can act in Energodar.

And although he does not mention the possible undermining of individual structures of the station, but emphasizes that Russian military and ammunition warehouses, which is already dangerous: in the event of a situation from the control, we can hardly expect that the occupiers will give "corridors" to leave civil people. Now they do not contribute to evacuation from the flooded left bank of the Kherson region.

Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZEP) and the city of Energodar in the occupation from the first days of the war. On the territory of the city and the atomic object are Russian military, their equipment and ammunition depots. From the territories around the station, the Russians conduct shelling of the right bank of the Dnieper, and on the roofs of the reactor structures of the NPP equipped fire positions, realizing that there will be no answers from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Experts claim that the situation at the nuclear power plant in Energodar remains stable tense. And this is despite the fact that experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are chatting there all the time. Under their control, all six power units of Europe's largest nuclear power station were stopped. However, the danger is spoken in the agency.

A few hours after the blasting of the Kakhovskaya Hydroe Hep, Raphael Grosssey said: "There are no immediate risks for nuclear security," but at the same time he was concerned about falling water levels in the tank, from where water comes to cool the reactors. Subsequently, he explained what could happen if the reactors are not cooled. "We do not want to sow panic, but this is a serious situation because usually these reactors have to circulate the guaranteed amount of water.

If you start losing this ability, then you will have a problem. The problem may be pushed for a few days or weeks, but it will be to exist, "Grossi said. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian energy atom claims that the situation at the Kakhovka reservoir does not carry direct risks to the Zaporizhzhya NPP, and in the event of a decrease in the reservoir, there is a plan of action. "Even if there is no water at all, the project involves feeding it," says the company President Petro Kotin.

"The NPP from the point of view of nuclear safety is safe, but physical safety is broken. The risks are undoubtedly," says Gennady Ryabtsev, director of special projects at the Psychia Scientific and Technical Center. He suggests that the Russians are able to initially organize not a physical leak of radiation, but an information operation. "Information provocation. To state something in their media, to take something on video and to air.

This information will be focused on an internal Russian audience. Now they convince the Russians that Ukraine has undermined the dam," he add In order to cause panic in humans-not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, the Russians do not need to make efforts. Subscribe to the channel, and below also a registration: "Information from official sources". We with such channels and special Russian operations are not needed. But we need to remember: the spread of panic among the population is a crime.

This is an article 173-1 of the Code of Ukraine on the Code of Ukraine Administrative offenses (spreading false rumors). And now, during martial law, it can even be an article of the Criminal Code. " At the same time, Ryabtsev, referring to the words of Kotin, says that there is no danger of devastation of the cooling system - it now has almost 17 meters of water, and most importantly - it is in no way related to the Kakhovsky reservoir. "There are other power sources, the pond is isolated.

These are safety requirements. A separate system for cooling the reactors that are currently in working order and do not generate energy, so they need less water for cooling," the expert adds. But now there is only technical problems or information operations, but also the actions of the Russian soldiers living at the station.

It is difficult to predict the condition of nuclear and radiation safety in the conditions of occupation of terrorists with weapons in their hands and the stay of illegitimate staff with the Russian Federation. Igor is a resident of Energodar. He left before the full -scale invasion, but his relatives remain in the city. In conversation with focus, Energotamians have long acknowledged that all international security systems introduced at nuclear power plants have not been guaranteed now.

"The station is prepared for response to different types of dangers, but not an armed offensive. No one knows what to do with a thousand armed military and arsenal of weapons," he says. "Of course, the Russians understand that no one will beat the station.

that release the north of the Zaporozhye region, Energodar may still remain in the occupation - with such arsenal weapons, Russians can sit for a nuclear power plant for a long It is a feeling that Energodar will be one of the last places that are de -occupied. Instead, Igor draws attention to the statement of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine at the end of May. "The Russians are able to arrange a provocation for the ZPP.

In GUR, they talked about a controlled radiation leak. As a result, the Russians will definitely accuse Ukraine of it. And it will be an attempt to stop the counter -offensive. I believe in such a scenario. People will be able to live in these territories. These are not their land. People who have taken away the house and the land that they return there, as the Russians say everywhere, do not behave as barbarians, but as owners. It is not about them, " - continues the resident of Energodar. .

He is convinced that the Russian Federation is profitable that large industrial sites in Ukraine do not work, even if they have to leave Ukraine. "Last year, the Russian Federation has exported everything from the station - documents, technologies. As you know, the ZPP was moved from Russian fuel to American - Westinghouse, the blocks were modernized. Americans were very concerned that some documents on technologies were in the hands of the Russians, -Igor recalls.

-Also fully stolen equipment of the training center. It was a joint project of Ukraine and the EU. It is important for the Russians to export everything so that the NPP has never worked again. Olga Kosharna (Director of Information of the Association of Ukrainian Nuclear Forum,-Ed. ) in one of the comments rated with a likelihood of up to 90%, which NPPs may not be started at all unless it is deoocuped by the end of the summer - during the occupation it does not receive adequate support.

It will have to build a new nuclear station on its basis. " Even after the blasting of the Kakhovskaya Hydroda, Kosharna said that there is water in the bid for cooling and there should be mobile pumps that are purchased after Fukushima accident and which should pump water from other sources if the rate is lost. But doubts whether they are stolen like everything else.

Meanwhile, experts note that the Russian Federation was preparing for possible man -made disasters, in particular the blasting of the Dams of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. On May 30, 2023, the Russian government approved a resolution on a five -year ban on investigation of such in the occupied territories of Ukraine, which Russia considers its own.

That is why experts are concerned that the Russians have already brought explosives to the territory of Zaporizhzhya and replaced individual structures. Also in this context, the danger is not only the NPP but also the titanium plant in Armenian in the occupied Crimea. It was also already replaced by Russians. As some experts suggest, preparing another provocation.

The explosion can cause the release of thousands of tons of poisonous substances into the air, which will be affected not only by residents of Ukraine, but also probably Turkey and Russia. "They will undermine everything that they will reach when they run away," Gennady Ryabtsev is convinced. "They will not leave us whole and intact enterprises. There are toxic substances on" Titan ", as in any enterprise, stored in waste storage facilities.

" We will remind, in August 2018 at the Titan plant already there was an accident, which resulted in the release of poisonous substance. Children were taken out of contaminated regions, and border guards who were at the Kalanchak checkpoint were exported in the surrounding Kherson region. At that time, the occupying authorities stated that the cause of emissions and evaporation was the heat and lack of water.