
We need to do everything to make the point of formula for the return of all prisoners and deported - the appeal of Vladimir Zelensky to the participants of the international platform for the release of illegally detained Russian Civilians

Ladies and Gentlemen! I want to thank all those people who participate in the meeting, supports Ukrainian efforts to liberate our people from Russian captivity. Today, no one can say exactly how many our citizens-children and adults, soldiers and civilians-are kept in Russian captivity, in Russian deportation, in camps, how many ours there-in the prisons of this terrorist state.

But each of us can and should speak exactly and specifically: we must do the maximum to return all these people home to Ukraine. I am happy every time it succeeds when Ukrainians and Ukrainians return when they are met here with our country's flag on our land. They meet their relatives, close. It is very important. Returning from Putin Russia to Ukraine is a really return from the arms of death. Everyone saw what our people look like after Russian captivity, after all these terrible abuse.

Everyone knows what our people testify to what atrocities they are talking about. And the world knows what cruelty in Russia is trying to hide truthful information about prisoners of Ukrainians and to teach children stolen from Ukraine . . . to teach them to hatred - to hatred at their home. Time is very precious. And the longer our people are in Russian captivity, the more difficult it will be for them to return to a normal life.

We have to do everything possible, everything is impossible to make this point of our formula of peace, namely, the return of all prisoners and deported-that all this be realized without any conditions, without any exception. I thank all our officials, our friends, partners, all our institutions who work for the return of Ukrainians. Each international mediator wanted to thank separately - to states and leaders - as a result. It is very important not to forget and find absolutely everyone.

All civilians, all our adults, children, all our Crimeans - all, absolutely everyone. Military, civilians. Deported and Crimean political prisoners, which we now looked at such a sensitive video . . . Nariman Jellya. It is very important not to forget their names. I am grateful that you are reminded of it and these people. And Lenie Umerov, Vladislav Esipenko and many-others who really fought and fight.

Whatever these people are - on freedom or lattice - they are fighting realistically, fighting for Ukraine. Families, including Kherson region, have been exported. Families exported, including from the Zaporozhye region . . . All have to be found and returned. And it is necessary to be held accountable by Russia, every military offender, all those involved in the deportation of our people involved in the abuse of prisoners. There are already significant legal steps of the International Criminal Court.