
Soldiers without salary: why the Armed Forces Warriors are forced to wait for payments and what to do with it

Today, payments for fighters on zero can reach 200 thousand hryvnias a month, at least according to the resolutions approved. But the guaranteed payments of the defenders of Ukraine are either delayed indefinitely or are not paid at all. The focus found out why this happens and what to do with it. The problem with delays in payments to servicemen has been discussed more than once.

It was expected that after the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada supported the Ministry of Defense's proposal for additional monetary rewards for fighters "at zero" in the amount of 70 thousand hryvnias, payments will be timely. But the problem has not gone anywhere. Recently, the President of Ukraine has hinted at the existing bureaucratic obstacles in receiving the soldiers.

In his address, Volodymyr Zelensky reported that he had discussed with the Minister of Defense, the representatives of the Verkhovna Rada and the Presidential Office so that all payments, bonuses and other things provided for the front are guaranteed and quickly provided for the warriors who perform tasks in Russia. . And it has all the defenders of Ukraine. "And without any bureaucracy for our warriors.

This is a general compulsory policy of our country-our defenders must be protected from any bureaucratic pressure," the President said. But whether the guarantor will help to solve the problem with payments - it is not clear. In addition to the fact that Ukrainian defenders have to resist the occupier, they still have to fight the "paper army" - a bureaucracy in the Armed Forces one of the main reasons for delayed payments to soldiers.

This is confirmed by a serviceman, former People's Deputy Igor Lutsenko. "For example, if the command sends a fighter on a business trip to another part, for some reason he may not issue all the necessary documents for payment. Payments are responsible for the command. The head of the lawyer "Panfilov and partners", Candidate of Law, lawyer Darya Panfilov names the most common problems that soldiers address.

Among them: the first thing to do with the focus of attorneys surveyed - you should refer to a report from the direct commander to clarify on what basis the payments are delayed. After the command response, you can calculate an algorithm for further actions depending on the reasons for the delay. "First of all, the military has to go with reports - about the order, to attach medical documents, to demand documents confirming the completion Complaints to the higher command.

It is also important to understand that the delay in payments may be related to the offense of the serviceman. If the fact of refusal to execute a combat order or disposal, the use of alcoholic beverages during the performance of military service or the suspension of military service in connection with the unauthorized abandonment of the military unit is recorded.

"If an offense was committed by a serviceman, in this case, under the current legislation, he cannot count on the payment of additional remuneration. At the same time, if the serviceman did not have any offenses, you should seek the help of the lawyer and appeal the non -execution If necessary, " - says the lawyer of NGO" Legal Hundred "Julia Mad.

Payments to the military are guaranteed by the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Separate Issues of Military Service, Mobilization and Military Accounting", by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and orders of the Ministry of Defense. Thus, for participation in hostilities for the military provides a payment of 100 thousand UAH a month.

Also, the orders for additional remuneration for the same amount include servicemen who: an additional payment of 70 thousand UAH, which in April approved parliamentarians, will be paid for the performance of special tasks during the fighting on the line of collision with the enemy. "Unlike previous surcharges, these funds will pay not in proportion to the time of completion of the task, but for every 30 days," - explains Focus Panfilova.

Also, for the management of troops for military personnel who carry out combat missions within the military administration, the headquarters of the troops or the staff of the tactical grouping at the point of management of the operational-strategic group of troops, an additional remuneration of 50 thousand UAH per month is provided.

This point also applies to those who carry out combat management of military units and units on the line of combat clash, per month in proportion to the time of performing such tasks. In addition, for the execution of combat missions, an additional 30 thousand UAH per month is paid to the military: an additional UAH 20.

1 thousand per month is provided for those who have been injured and is under treatment, recognized by the Military Medical Commission limited to military service or unsuitable to military service. 15-30 thousand UAH per month is paid to servicemen who hold the positions of management and instructor-teaching staff in educational military units and carry out training and training of staff.

A guaranteed payment of 100 thousand hryvnias for fighters "at zero" is considered in proportion to the time of combat missions. If the military performed combat missions for 1 week - it will receive payments only for this week, 100 thousand hryvnias are paid for a full month in battle. "One day of participation in hostilities is counted from 00:00 to 24:00, regardless of the number and duration of the tasks. If the fighting began to midnight and continued after, two days are credited.

For example, if the task began at 19:00 and ended at 01:00, this will be considered two days of participation, - explains the lawyer Julia. The problem with the defenders of Ukraine is directly related to the bureaucratic draft in the army. Establishment of clear terms of consideration of appeals and raising the responsibility of commanders. Yes, the new rules set a clear sequence and procedure for agreeing the report by commanders.

A mandatory substantiation is also introduced in the event of a report of the report and the clear terms of its consideration. In particular, the examination of a paper report of a serviceman is carried out immediately, but not later than 48 hours from the time of his submission on: - military discipline; - duties of personnel during the execution of combat orders (orders); - preservation of life and health of personnel; - leave on family circumstances and for other valid reasons.

Reports on other issues are considered within a period of no more than 14 days from the date of its submission. The refusal to consider the report should be motivated, and the disagreement of the report does not interfere with its further movement to consider and make a decision. We will remind, on August 8 in Ukraine the web portal for the military "Army+" will work. The defense department said that this portal is created to ensure that the Ukrainian military is engaged in service, not papers.