
"Raisin. Released": How a movie about gathering artifacts of war suddenly revealed the essence of national character

On the screen of Ukraine, a vivid documentary shows the expedition of the Capital Museum of War on the newly released Ukrainian territories in search of artifacts. However, the viewers are remembered completely different. On October 17, the documentary "Izum. Released" Dmitry Chorny, who won a special distinction at Heritage In Motion Film Festival in Sofia (Bulgaria), released on October 17.

The picture tells how the team of the capital of the World War II collected military artifacts on newly liberated from the occupiers of Ukrainian territories - in particular in Izium. Personnel of the pre -war school and destroyed. Even the whole of them, and they are destroyed by rocket strokes. But this is not the main thing in the picture: the museum team meets in the devastated territories of firefighters, builders, farmers. It turns out that inside these people there is no "devastation".

And what is there? The focus shares the impressions of the premiere display of the painting. At the center of the plot-the history of the expedition of the director of the National Museum of World War II, Yuri Savchuk, who won the competition of his post literally before the start of a full-scale invasion-in December 2021. The director realized that his Museum of War in combat times is different: the war is not about ten years in the past, no - it is raging here, now, near - in the present.

And Yuri Savchuk decided to act. The first expedition lasted from April 5 to April 16, 2022 with the permission of the military headquarters and personally the head of Valery Zaluzhny: Bucha, Gostomel, Borodyanka, Makarov, Chernihiv. Hundreds of artifacts were collected: ammunition of invaders (uniforms, helmets, boots), weapons, shells, fragments of destroyed schools and churches. The collection appeared semi -burned icons, crosses, parts of domes.

Of these finds, the museum made incredible artistic installations. In May 2023, for the first time in the history of Ukraine, a cultural institution was awarded the Museum Oscar: the exposition "Ukraine - Crucifixion" was awarded the International Museum and Heritage Awards. The film shows one of the expeditions of the director and his museum team - in the fall of 2022 the city of Izium of Kharkiv region. It was dangerous to collect artifacts because the sappers could miss some mine or projectile.

The "author's voice" in the tape serve mainly by Savchuk's monologues. The charismatic director, as a true actor, is meaningful and interesting in the frame of the war, as if alone with his thoughts. One day, in the forest, he finds enemy canned jars with herds, where on the glass boasting propaganda inscriptions: "we do not surrender. " "On the label, the shelf life is stated - until June, and already October," Savchuk said witty, "therefore, you can hand over.

" The reaction to military events in principle revealed the features of a national character. The episode is striking when there are a whole bell on the rafters on the destroyed temple. He was brought, but not lifted to the bell tower. Savchuk, to the surprise and joy of our military, begins to call and shout him: "For victory! For victory!" This episode cannot be forgotten.

However, in general, from the picture, I repeat, the most crash into memory not the search for artifacts, but the people whom the museum has met the road. The cheerful fireman Dmitry, who loves the details of his biography and is very fond of himself. Builders who put asphalt on top of crushed roads. But the main surprise is waiting for the audience in the finale - it is a film portrait of a couple of fifty -year -old couple - residents of Izium: Sergiy and Ludmila.

They have long lived without light surrounded by replaced gardens, and at the same time they go crazy with optimism and vitality. Sergei tells in detail how their house sewed through the rocket, but did not explode. He literally shows the place where the hole he had plowed. The man says that he understood the historicity of the events that took place and began to keep a "occupation diary" in the notebook. There are records in this spirit: "10:00 - cassette bombs. 12:00. Striking" Grads ". 14:00.

We died down. We go to the garden. They laughed this place. The heroine of the tape Lyudmila begins, smiling, to refuse that she does not remember this episode. Looking at this sweet couple, you realize that such people cannot overcome the evil armed unclean, because inside these rains - a huge amount of love, kindness and thirst for creative activity, though not happening around. On the titers of the tape, the song of Kamalia singer - "balls", which was recorded in March 2022, sounds.

There are such piercing lines: bullets in the heart, through my body - it did not stop me! . . We do not sleep, let's freeze until everything burned, God, when everything passes? !!! For me, this singer has always been associated with something glamorous, but her military cycle of songs (I did not hear him before the movie)-he opened the artist well and in a new way.