
Accused Ukraine: the Russian Federation stated that the Olovsk and Kursk regions were attacked by drones

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that on November 21 at about 00. 30, an attempt was stopped on the Kursk region. The drone "destroyed" the Russian air defense forces. On the night of November 21, Russia was declared attacks of allegedly Ukrainian drones in the Orlovsk and Kursk regions. Yes, the first attack was reported by the governor of the Orel region Andriy Klitschkov on his Telegram. According to him, the attack happened on the evening of November 20.

"Friends, tonight in the territory of the Shablykinsky district, an unmanned aircraft of aircraft type launched from Ukraine. According to operational data, damage and victims," ​​he wrote. Klitschkov stated that the relevant services are carrying out all the necessary measures, and the situation is "under control". Later, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that on the night of November 21 at about 00. 30, an attempt was stopped by an attack on the Kursk region of Russia.

In its report, the agency of the aggressor country also accused the Armed Forces of Ukraine. "The Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle was destroyed over the territory of Kursk region," the statement said. Earlier it was reported that the Drone Army destroyed the Russian Armed Forces for millions of dollars in a week. According to Viceremier Mikhail Fedorov, the Ukrainian military was able to eliminate 39 tanks, 5 air defense systems, 41 BMPs of the enemy.