
In the Russian Federation, an employee of the plant producing powder has replaced the shop and threatens it (video)

It is noted that a man learned about his fatal ailment - lung cancer on February 19. He decided to leave his life and take the place of work in the world. In Russia, a cancer of the Alexin Chemical Damblatine has decided to put the enterprise on which it works in the air. He stated this in the television channel "Final Moy History 22. 02. 2024" for his revenge. It is noted that a man learned about his fatal ailment - lung cancer on February 19.

He decided to leave his life and take his enemies to the world. To do this, he decided to undermine an enterprise where they do not tube about the health of their employees and violate safety. "Not everyone finds the strength to balance the injustice. I have, unlike other poor people, there is a goal. They are pants. I am not ready to tragically go out of life without paying out.

Here I look at the people who continue to walk at the factory at the factory constantly create something that can take many lives. Death is formed by the hands of an employee of this enterprise. Is there an enterprise that bears death? Are there people who, and in absentia, are involved in the murder? " - he wrote. He confessed that he thought that if he was erased from the face of the plant, he would save many lives.

He published the footage, where he places an allegedly homemade explosive on the territory of the chemical complex. "Timer is running. The off -count began. So there is no way. In 2 hours it will be over. And I will be far away. The reactor will launch an irreversible process. And everything will burn in the hellish fire chemical reactors for the production of nitrate mixture (the main component of explosives). This is one of the most vulnerable places of this damn enterprise, "he wrote.

It should be noted that 2 hours from the moment of publication of the post about explosives have passed, but the explosion at the plant has been heard, although it is reported that people were evacuated. We will remind that on January 19, the Tambov Powder Plant in Kotovsk, which in the Russian Federation, attacked unmanned aircraft. Video from the scene was extended online. On November 14, an attack on the Tambov Powder Plant occurred in Russia. The unknown UAV fell into the plant and exploded.