
The siege of the aggregate plant in Vovchansk: why the Armed Forces are kept from the storm (map)

At the aggregate factory, the urbanized area, where it is very easy to keep the defense, explained the spokesman of the Kharkiv. The storms can lead to unnecessary losses in defense forces. Russian troops remain blocked at the aggregate plant in the Volchansk Kharkiv region. Colonel Vitaliy Sarantsev, a spokeswoman for the operational-tactical grouping of Kharkiv troops, told about it.

He noted that part of the military of the Armed Forces, which are in the blocked plant, are injured, but some of them are able to conduct defense. As the approaches to the aggregate plant are also blocked by Ukrainian troops, logistics is carried out exclusively with the use of drones, Vitaliy Sarantsev said. "We do not storm the plant so that it simply does not lead to unnecessary losses.

Because it is such an urbanized terrain where the defending party is very easy to keep positions," - explained the spokesman of the OTT, adding that the enterprise is both underground communications, yes And there are many different places where you can hold combat positions. According to Kharkiv OTU, in the Volchansk enemy intensified air intelligence routes, conducts preparation for assault. The Russians also limited inter -position movement of personnel in the dark.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces in its latest summary reported that in the Kharkiv direction from the beginning of the day there were four combatants near Lipts and Vovchansk. We will remind, the blocking of Russian troops in the area of ​​the Volchansk aggregate plant occurred in June. The situation there was not critical for the invaders - logistics enemy established with the help of drones, from which he dropped the ammunition, water and food.