
The Russian Federation concentrated on the capture of the Minek in the Donbass: Zgurets revealed the plans of the enemy (map)

The Russian military focused on the battles around the Minek and attempts to promote to Selidovo in the Donbass. According to the director of the information and consulting company, Defense Express Sergey Zgurts, the Armed Forces keeps defense in the front sections, where the enemy tries to carry out the offensive. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are trying to capture the Mirnyk in the Donetsk region.

In doing so, the enemy wants to complicate the defense of the Ukrainian military and move closer to Kurakhivka and Kurakhov. This was reported by the Director of the Information and Consulting Company Defense Express Sergey Zgurets on the air of "Espresso" on September 11. He noted with reference to the erection of the Armed Forces General Staff that half of the fighting collisions fell on Pokrovsky and Kurakhiv directions.

"Much of the enemy's efforts are focused on the fighting around Minek, as well as attempting to promote to Selidovoy. Why is it so important for the enemy? A miner is a settlement located at a height that is the highest point in this part of Donetsk region," said Sergei Zgurets. According to him, this height creates a significant threat to the lowlands where Ukrainian battalions are located. It is about Halytsynivka, Nevel and Krasnogorivka.

The invaders want to capture the Minek to complicate the defense of the Armed Forces and move on to Kurakhivka and Kurakhov. Zgurets emphasized that the defense of Ukrainian positions depends largely on the Ukrainian area - Girnyk - Kurakhivka, now there is a defense. In addition, the fighters keep the defense near Selidov, where the Russians try to take offensive actions.