
Has two goals: the expert explained why the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are massively beating in Odessa

Russia wants Ukraine to lose their access to the Black Sea, and civilian citizens are afraid of constant massive attacks by the Kremlin. The Russian authorities are trying to influence Ukrainians, firing every night by Odessa and Odessa region Droam-Kamikadze or rockets. The main physical goal of the enemy is to influence the economy and the average citizens.

A military expert from the Razumkov Center Mykola Singurovsky told about the plans of the Russian Federation in an interview with the Observer portal. The journalists asked the expert why the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the last week she struck in Odessa and the region. Singurovsky explained that the Kremlin plans to achieve two goals to show something to the Russians and Ukrainians. The first global goal of the Kremlin is to cut Ukraine from the Black Sea.

This will lose the ability to trade agricultural products, which will destroy the Ukrainian economy. In addition, such attacks show the Russians that they gain at least such "successes". "They [Russian invaders - ed. ] Already stated, we say, we will capture Nikolaev, Odessa, all the southern coast of Ukraine. For internal use it is necessary to somehow confirm their words. " The second purpose of the Russian Federation is to destabilize the psyche of Ukrainians.

They achieve this, purposefully beat in peaceful cities. "They [shelling - ed. ] It should be noted that during February and the first week of March of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation almost every night dropped drones-Kamikadze in Odessa and Odessa region. The result of the impact on March 2 is the death of 12 people, earlier wrote focus.

According to the Command by the Armed Forces, 17 drones-Kamikadze Shahd-136 were stored into the air, of which residents of Kharkiv and Odesa were shot down as a result of Russian shelling. In Odessa, the drone damaged several apartments of an apartment building: people were killed in ruins. Among the dead are five children: 3-month Timothy, 4-month-old Elizabeth, 3-year-old Mark, 8-year-old Zlata, 10-year-old Sergei.

We would like to remind that on March 7 the Russians hit Odessa at the moment when President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Greece Kiriakos Maryakis. In the video from the scene, it is fashionable to see the smoke over the port, while the politicians were near the naval station. On the night of March 8, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched drones-Kamikadze, which threatened Odesa region and a number of other regions.