
Night attack by Baltic and Shahheda in Ukraine: in the Poltava region partial blackout

At night, air defense worked in eight regions. The main direction of the impact is the north and the center of Ukraine. The head of the Poltava Ova Philip Pronin stated that 20 settlements remained without light. The Russian Federation attacked the territory of Ukraine on the night of Ukraine on the night of Ukraine with 81 percussion drones and 4 rockets. The air defense forces managed to destroy 66 drones. Another 13 UAVs were locked in several regions of Ukraine.

This was reported by the Air Force of the Armed Forces. The Russian army released: the main direction of the impact - the north and the center of Ukraine. Air Air Air Air Attack, anti -aircraft missile troops, EWS units and mobile fire groups and Defense Forces of Ukraine. The air battle was carried out in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Kirovograd, Poltava, Sumy and Mykolaiv regions. Kyiv region. The enemy drones were fixed twice overnight. The OVA was reported at 1:45 and 3:49 in Kyiv OVA.

The enemy targets are destroyed. There are no hits in residential and critical infrastructure. There are no victims, said the head of the Kiev Ova Ruslan Kravchenko. In two districts of Kyiv region, a herbal flooring caught fire as a result of the fall of the whipped targets. The fires are eliminated. Kirovohrad region. The head of the regional military administration Andriy Raykovich stated that the "cheweds" were beaten in the sky over the Kirovograd region.

According to him, the consequences were not recorded. Poltava region. Air defense worked on UAVs in the Mirgorod district. The wreckage of drone damaged several private homes. There were no victims, the head of the Poltava Ova Philip Pronin informed. In addition, the energy infrastructure is damaged. There are 20 settlements left without light. All relevant services are involved in the elimination of the consequences. Situation on control. Sumy region.

The regional military administration stated that the anti -aircraft hosts of Sumy region knocked down 9 "Shahaned". Mykolaiv region. Four Shards 131/136 were destroyed by the forces and means of air defense in Mykolaiv region. In the Nikolaev area, as a result of the fall of the fragments of one of the whipped drones, the outbuilding was damaged, which was not operated, dry grass was engaged, the fire was promptly eliminated by firefighters. There are no victims, they stated in Ova.