
The threat of massed shelling increases: the Armed Forces told what the Russian DRG in Kiev was dangerous

According to Ivan Timochka, the Chairman of the Board of Reservists of Land Forces, there may be different tasks in each region. If you take into account the capital, the enemy requires information about the location of the air defense systems. Russian sabotage and intelligence groups (DRG) can at any time penetrate the territory of Kiev, which as a result in theory will affect the level of massive attacks in the capital. Ivan Timochko, the chairman of the Randa Tymochko, on the air "Espresso.

TV" spoke on this topic. According to him, the situation can be extremely serious. In addition, if you compare the task of DRG, in different areas they can be radically different from each other. "In Sumy region and Kharkiv region, the task is to study our military units, their finding, research of bases and locations. But the purpose of penetration of such groups into the Kyiv region is to effectively apply Russians to the territory by Russians.

Given that the air defense system is quite developed, the task of DRG is Fixing the location of these systems during rocket strokes, their search, determination of the degree of ability to protect both the government quarter and the life support of the structures and objects responsible for it in Kiev, "Ivan Timochko said.

Separately, the Armed Forces representative added that the sabotage and intelligence groups are mostly included in the former citizens of Ukraine and they are extremely dangerous. All because they speak Ukrainian and understand local specificity. Over the last 2 years, a huge number of people have returned to the capital, which enables sabotage to hide in the mass of the population.

Visually, of course, it may seem that they are not local, but it is justified by the fact that they can be displaced. The state bodies of Ukraine already have some reconnaissance data on the situation. "The task of DRG is to quickly detect and report on the air defense systems or move troops. Therefore, it is a network with communicators between those who collect information and those to whom it is transmitted in the relevant directions," - summed up Ivan Timochko.