
Ukraine is attacked by influenza A and Covid-19: 650 deaths have already been recorded due to complications-the Ministry of Health

According to the Ministry of Health, from the beginning of October to the flu, SARS and Covid-19 in Ukraine have become ill with almost 2. 3 million people, of which 54% are children. In Ukraine, more than 142 thousand cases of SARS, influenza and Covid-19 were detected in Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH) on its own Facebook page.

The Ministry notes that during the week, from January 15 to January 21, 4728 Ukrainians were hospitalized with SARS, flu and Covid-19, 2364 of whom were children under 17. A total of 142 006 cases were found in a week, including Covid-19. However, at the same time, the department noted that in all regions of Ukraine there is a non -epidemic level. In 20 regions of Ukraine, influenza A and B.

Viruses of influenza have died from the beginning of the epidemic in 20 regions of Ukraine, all of them have died from the beginning of the epidemic, all of them older than 30 years and had no influenza vaccinations. In addition, since the beginning of the epidemic in Ukraine, 130 232 cases of Covid-19 and 650 fatal cases have been registered in Ukraine due to a complication of the disease, including four among children. In January, nine cases of the Crownavirus Jn.

1 Crownavirus Subvarya have been found in five regions: three cases of BA Crown Crown Crown Corronavirus have been registered since the beginning of the month. Among the patients, only one person out of 12 had two vaccinations against the Covid-19, the Ministry of Health emphasized. According to the Ukrainian infectious specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the National Medical University.

OO Bogomolets Olga Golubovskaya, indeed in Ukraine the number of patients with influenza A and Covid-19, including "severe" and fatal cases is growing very quickly. She notes that all fatal cases are due to the lack of specific therapy in the first days of the disease. Therefore, when the body temperature rises, the doctor advises testing for these two infections, preferably express tests that need to be at home.

"If the result is positive - to take appropriate therapy: for influenza is an oseltamivir; for Kovid - the best option is the best option, it will soon be available in Ukraine. It is better to have all this at home," Golubovskaya emphasizes. And in any case calls to see a doctor, not to take time, especially if the course of the disease progresses. "This is your responsibility," the doctor notes.