
Two steps ahead of the Russian Federation: how Ukrainians reworked "legendary" drones R-18 for the Armed Forces (video)

The developers have to constantly modify the drones to bypass the Russian remedies. The invaders also do not stand still and adapt to changes in about 3-4 months. Ukrainian engineers improved the domestic drones of the R-18 so that the military would repel Russia's army more effectively. FRDM's defense and technical company named Sergey told about changes in the Militar portal.

According to him, the Armed Forces is used R-18 since 2018, and now it is well showing itself in different areas of the front and has become "legendary". The drone is almost entirely made up of domestic parts, although there is a certain percentage of foreign ones. The developers are not in place and are constantly improving the device. "I have seen the first frames is not that" Sky and Earth "but, as they say in Odessa: there are nuances.

He experienced a lot To be ahead, you need to think not one step, but two forward. Since last summer, the drone survived many updates and improvements according to the challenges that are on the front, " - said FRDM. He specified that engineers improved the quality of the communication signal, changed frequencies to counteract the HR, changed the system of resetting ammunition and more.

Further modifications in the company think of experts who are called "Ulucciders", they try to respond as soon as possible to changes in the combat situation in Ukraine and to bypass Russian remedies of radio electronic wrestling - there are many of them in the occupiers. "The process is not in place, because if you stop for three to four months, then it will not be needed by anyone, because it simply cannot be used at the front,"-explained Sergei.

- "Now is the situation that we, in principle, have bypassed this story. There is an opportunity to bomb and work well enough, there are crews that have a score for dozens of units of destroyed equipment. " The R-18 equipment is quite standard, the complex includes two drones and ground control station, as well as spare parts for repair of damaged apparatus. The design makes it possible to replace the elements very quickly and put new ammunition-only one or two minutes.