
The US will supply Typhon complexes to Japan: what will be under the impact in Russia and DPRK

With the placement of the complex under the blow will be a large part of the eastern coast of the PRC, including the capital of Beijing. Rockets will also threaten the Pacific Fleet of Russia. The United States intends to place their latest Typhon (Mid-rank Capability, MRC) in Japan. Although the exact terms and number of starting installations remain classified, the purpose of this step is to demonstrate strength in the conditions of increasing threat from China.

In this regard, Defense Express observers found out what goals could be under the impact of US missiles in China, DPRK and Russia. The placement of rocket systems in the region gives rise to fears about possible escalation of tension in Asia. Earlier, the United States had already applied a similar strategy by unfolding the Typhon system on Luson Island (Philippines) as part of China's restraint.

However, only one Tomahawk rockets with a range of up to 1600 km, as well as SM-6 anti-aircraft missiles, were transferred to the Philippines. This limited deployment was considered as a symbolic step than a real threat. The main purpose of Typhon deployment in Japan is China. With the placement of the complex under the blow will be a large part of the eastern coast of the PRC, including large cities and strategically important objects.

Not only industrial and military facilities, but also the capital of Beijing can get into the radius. In addition to China, the observers say, the deployment of Typhon also struck the objects of North Korea, including the capital of Pyongyan. This can be an additional restraining factor for the DPRK in the light of its nuclear ambitions and ballistic missiles testing.

Even if the complex is located in the southern part of Japan, it will be able to effectively impress targets on the Korean Peninsula. The Russian Vladivostok is also at risk - a key point of base base of the Pacific Fleet of Russia. The placement of the complex in the northern part of Japan, although unlikely, could further expand the area of ​​the lesion and threaten large territories of the Russian Federation.

Analysts have come to the conclusion that the placement of the Typhon rocket complex in Japan is not only military but also political. It is a clear signal of China, North Korea and Russia about the US military readiness to protect its interests and allies in the region. At the same time, such steps can lead to increased tension in East Asia and cause a negative reaction from Beijing and Moscow.