
The Ukrainian military captured the Russian mercenary from Nepal (video)

This is not the first time when the Armed Forces fighters were captured by a foreign mercenary from such a distant country. The Armed Forces fighters were captured by the mercenary of Nepal, who fought on the side of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In social networks, the Ukrainian military posted a video with prisoners who answered where they came to fight in the territory of Ukraine. One of the prisoners is a foreigner. About it reports military observer Igal Levin.

The Ukrainian military posted a video with captured Russian military. One of them is a foreign citizen who came to war from Nepal.

On social networks, the Ukrainian military interrogates prisoners sitting in the body of a car, one of them replies that he came to fight from armavir, Krasnodar region, the second - from the Republic of Mari El, whose population does not reach even a million inhabitants, a third - from Dagstan , Mahachkala, the fourth prisoner reports that he is from Nepal, the fifth - from the pine. This is not the first time that the Armed Forces find out that foreign mercenaries are fighting against them.

During the battles near Avdiivka, Donetsk region, Ukrainian defenders in October this year were captured by the mercenary of Nepal named Bibek Katri, who fought on the side of the Russian Federation. Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov reported that Bibek had signed a contract with the MoD and served in one of the Brigades. He was on rehab in hospital in the occupied part of the Luhansk region after injuries. Bibek honestly confessed that the contract signed to make money. "In my family problem.

My mother doesn't work. We needed money. So I went for it. My friend suggested to go to the Russian army. That's more than money. I wanted to go back to my mom successful. And I went," - said After recognizing that "war is bad, because people kill each other. " Focus wrote that Nepal's citizens told the BBC about why they agreed to go to war with Ukraine, despite the fact that in their homeland being a mercenary is a criminal offense. For the most part, they associate their reasons with money.

The Nepalese, who came to the territory of Russia on work and student visas, say that they will earn money will also be able to claim in the future for the simplified receipt of Russian citizenship. One of the interlocutors noted that a regular recruitment of volunteers is going to the Russian army.

In order to get to the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he passed the medical commission, passed a written test for the knowledge of the Russian language, and eventually turned out to be enrolled in the army of the Russian Federation. According to Nepal's migration authorities, from February 2022, 1729 citizens of the country have gone to the Russian Federation-on working and student visas. How many of them were in the army of the Russian Federation is unknown.