
Under the request of the US in Hong Kong detained the Russian for smuggling of microelectronics in the Russian Federation

Maxim Marchenko, according to the investigation, headed several companies that supplied dual -use goods to the Russian Federation. Russian Maxim Marchenko was arrested and extracted into the County of Westchester in New York because of accusations of smuggling goods from Russia. About it reports Defense News. Maxim Marchenko is accused of probable conspiracy for smuggling of goods in the Russian Federation.

The Russian is accused of secret mediation for the Russian Federation for the supply of dual -use goods. These are small OLED displays that can be used for video games or medicine, as well as for night vision sights or glasses. Marchenko's companies have been put in the Russian Federation of displays from May 2022 to August 2023 worth more than $ 1 million. However, the technology is subject to the rule of export control.

"We are focused on erading purchasing networks that feed the Russian military machine," said the Minister's Assistant to Matthew Axelrod's export control. He also added that the United States will continue to work "hand in hand" with partners to detect and interfere with Russia in Russia Obtaining technologies from China through false companies. The Russian military machine depends on the western components. In order for the Russian Federation to receive them, export control is increased.

The Russian Federation for its part rests on secret procurement networks, intermediaries and false companies. The US group includes agents and FBI analysts, secret service, internal security and Marshal Department. Now Maxim Marchenko is threatened with decades. Defense of the Russian will demand release on bail for the time To touch the import of diamonds. On September 17, it became known that the Russian Federation first sent tankers to China through the Arctic.